please respond to all comments...

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As a jesture of good faith, I will tell the lame ass guitar player from the thread in question that Zazz says to get some new strings and learn some right hand technique! Oh, and nice angst!

loads of hot air but no meat ...if you disagree with the opening statement then lets hear it ...i think it makes a lot of sense for an active forum.
loads of hot air but no meat ...if you disagree with the opening statement then lets hear it ...i think it makes a lot of sense for an active forum.



Are you friggen kidding me?

I give up, you are completely insane...............Not only do I agree, but PLEASE find a thread I started in the clinic that I didn't respond to the majority of posts. You want to talk about "rockstar attitude", not only did you berate me in my thread repeatedly for not responding to your post, you felt the need to PM me and start an entire new thread after I locked the original one because it was going nowhere fast. Get over yourself. Seriously.
acctually im serious... i started this thread to highlight what i considered to a valid point with good reason..... just get on board and join the debate or say nothing but all this stuff that you are doing is i would guess some kind of face saving effort.......
i agree......lets agree to disagree...nl5......just pm sure we can work this out....
point stills stands tho.......hides behind heavy protective object...waits for the onslaught....or maybe not?:)
if you want to directly answer what i have to say in a logical manner then go for it
I answered what you said in a logical manner.
Fact is ..... not a single person here has come down on your side on this.
Further ..... there's nothing for you two to work out since NL5 absolutely did nothing wrong so you're the one with issues and not him.
You're the one that started this thread apparently expecting everyone to jump in and say, "Yeah! Way to go zazz!"
Now that no one has ..... you don't want to talk about it and, in fact, you're the one who's ignoring and not acknowledging several polite explanations of why you're mistaken in this matter.
You had no reason to whine over him accidently not responding to you and you have no reason to expect that every single comment you ever make in a thread will be responded to every single time.
There are no such rules and it's unreasonable of you to think that absolutely every comment by every single listener will always be responded to.
Is it desirable? Of course.
Is it a big deal if some get missed from time to time?
Only to you .... the rest of us understand that posts get missed from time to time ..... no big deal and not something to get your panties in a bunch over.
Just relax and quit getting so wound up over minor unimportant things.
acctually i started this thread thinking it would sink like a stone and that would be that..and to be blunt it was sinking fast..then for some reason it got wind ....loads of hot i just simply said ok.....lets talk about the opening statement but for some reason nobody wants to play.....
acctually i started this thread thinking it would sink like a stone and that would be that..and to be blunt it was sinking fast..then for some reason it got wind ....loads of hot i just simply said ok.....lets talk about the opening statement but for some reason nobody wants to play.....

Did you actually READ the post above yours? Read it again. Everybody agrees that you should respond to people that respond to songs put up. I agree 150%. Are a few gonna get missed from time to time? Yes. So what?

I surely don't need to "save face" on this board. As was pointed out, everybody is agreeing with me - and I am agreeing with you. I really can't understand how you don't get that.

DavidK was right! This thread is gay.........
this is about the thread ...and what it isnt a popularity contest .....

just talk about the guts of the opening you agree or disagree...why?
this is about the thread ...and what it isnt a popularity contest .....

just talk about the guts of the opening you agree or disagree...why?

Dude, I can't believe you got me like that. Nice. We all fell for it at least. :)
I'm sorry if I am overstepping my boundries here, but I agree with both of you. acknowledgement of acknowledgments is great and keeps a good conversation going! but sometimes it is not necessary. I love commenting on the few comments i have received, but I don't want it to seem like I am just trying to bump the thread for publicity's sake. There are many people that want their music heard, and it would be a shame for it to be filtered down the line for a few "thank you"s and "I will try that"s


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