Please read and let me know what you think?


New member
It seems to me that we have lost sight of what we are trying to do. I believe this sight, and ones like it are here for guitarists to help one another. Not brag or issue pointless brags about what type of equipment we have. I mean hell just whip it and and seem whos is bigger. Case in point a simple question. About and inexpensive acoustic or acoustic electric guitar. A lot of good feedback and real brands, but there is always some poster who has to throw in and please excuse my tone Well i love my hd-28 with Blah Blah Blah. When the issue is for a guitar under 1000 or in some cases 499. I admit i love to hear about high end stuff. who doesn't, but we need to confine our answers real points and not try to impress. I don't know maybe i am missing the point myself. If so please let me know
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Proc said:
It seems to me that we have lost sight of what we are trying to do. I believe this sight, and ones like it are here for guitarists to help one another. Not brag or issue pointless brags about what type of equipment we have. I mean hell just whip it and and seem whos is bigger. Case in point a simple question. About and inexpensive acoustic or acoustic electric guitar. A lot of good feedback and real brands, but there is always some poster who has to throw in and please excuse my tone Well i love my hd-28 with Blah Blah Blah. When the issue is for a guitar under 1000 or in some cases 499. I admit i love to hear about high end stuff. who doesn't, but we need to confine our answers real points and not try to impress. I don't know maybe i am missing the point myself. If so please let me know

So what you're trying to say is that everyone should stick *exactly* to the point of the subject at hand?

Go to the guitar forums at Harmony Central if you want to see some major straying from the subject at hand and pointless ramblings. You'll come back here apologizing and appreciating what we have here.
Good point. People come to this forum to get answers, not to get into a "who's got a better ____" war. If someone asks for suggestions, give it to them, but don't be ridiculous. If someone wants a great metal tone for under $400 and wants to know of a good amp for that, give them a genuine answer. Sure we'd all like to own boutiques or whatever, but last I checked I can't get a Splawn or an Engl for $400. This is not to say that people shouldn't make suggestions such as "man, you probably won't find what you're looking for for $400, you may just want to save your money and grab a ____." But let's be honest with ourselves, I don't care if you have 7 PRS's and 3 gibson historics and play through a collection of vox, mesa, marshall, and some other brand that i've never heard of because they only made limited quantities.

For the most part, i'm extremely thankful for the what we have. There are so many other boards that are way worse off (harmony-central being one of them for sure).
I like to read about what other people have and what they use to get the tone they are after. But you're right, that information should be saved for a "what do you use to get your monster tone" thread, and not in a "what's the best ____ for $___" thread. The discouraging part is that the poster usually adds "you will never get a ____ to sound as good as my _____" in there, which can be a real downer. Some of us can't afford to spend thousands on gear. Hell, I can't afford the gear I have. Most of it was given to me (yeah, I have great friends).
But at least on here, the question at hand manages to get answered before the thread gets hijacked...
Buck thank you for your imput that is what i wanted an open anwser, and no you don't have to be so ridged but remaining in the ball park would be nice.

Great point Rocket We all have different gear and it will vary we are here for one reason to help each other out and learn from others. not be told you can't have this sound blah blah blah
Well, being bipolar....

I see both sides of the issue. Yes, it seems pointless, not to mention mean-spirited, to just beat someone down with a 'well, if you can't afford a pre-war Martin, then you might as well just quit now' repy. That's not helpful, and responses like that make people not want to ask any more questions, which is kind of the whole point of why we're here. On the other hand, it is important to occaisionally point out to some individuals that they may have unrealistic expectations. No, you're probably not going to get a guitar that sounds just like B.B. Kings for under $250. (and if you can, I will give you a nice finders fee!) I think this is more common (WARNING-BLATANT AGE-DISCRIMINATORY COMMENT FOLLOWS!) among the younger set, partly because they've grown up in a world where they've learned to expect instant gratification at the touch of a button, and partly just because they're new to this, so they don't quite get it that it's more complicated than that. It's too bad that we can't have more sticky's for the repetative questions, or a basic primer that would be required reading before posting, but until that happens, a little more patience from all involved is all that's really necessary. I myself, am not a very patient person, which is why I generally don't reply to the few questions that I really DO no the answer to. (Well, that and my ADD.) I'd probably just get mean and snippy, too, so I just pass. My hat's off to those who really do keep this place going. Please keep it up, and know that it's appreciated.

Jeez, how did this turn into a Hallmark card? Somebody just smack me. Shutting up now.

B.D.- perennial newbie
I sort of look at a thread/forum like TV. I read what I want and ignore the content I don't consider relevant. Many times when I notice that someone has written something that is not consistant with the threads issue but I still find it worthwhile I'll just shoot them a pm and try and further the conversation that way rather than hijack the thread for other purposes.

I really see no reason to let any particular thread upset me. I always tell myself that the person responding may actually have little or no experience at all and is just a part of our community (trying to help the best they can). I take each answer with a grain of salt. If I'm unsure about something and I read about it here I may use that as a starting point in my search but I never take it as the gospel truth.

I think that's the whole idea behind what goes on here or at any forum for that matter.
Harmony Central...

Buck62 said:
Go to the guitar forums at Harmony Central if you want to see some major straying from the subject at hand and pointless ramblings.

Just check the mic or mp3 forum here for some true hostility..
I use Trim fingernail clippers exclusively. The resulting tone is awesome. I've heard a good manicure can help but you can get these at WalMart for like 75 cents.
apl said:
I use Trim fingernail clippers exclusively. The resulting tone is awesome. I've heard a good manicure can help but you can get these at WalMart for like 75 cents.

You are so right! I changed to Trim clippers and even my wife commented on how much my tone improved.

I've been playing for 157 years and have used a hell of a lot of clippers. "Most Pros" will tell you Trim is the only brand to use if you want "that" tone.

You can't get a good trim with cheap Chinese clippers! You have to use a Nailman from Westphalia. There's a reason they cost $30,000. Those Germans are the only ones who know how to engineer a good clipper. Besides, I saw a picture of the guys from Hoobastank in the salon, and I'm pretty sure they were using Nailmans.
Revlon nail clippers: $3.75. Amazing! A few snips and you'll be playing like Segovia, Clapton and Hendrix all rolled into one!
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apl said:
I use Trim fingernail clippers exclusively. The resulting tone is awesome. I've heard a good manicure can help but you can get these at WalMart for like 75 cents.
75 cents! And here I was going to the salon this whole time.... :(
Proc said:
It seems to me that we have lost sight of what we are trying to do. I believe this sight, and ones like it are here for guitarists to help one another. Not brag or issue pointless brags about what type of equipment we have. I mean hell just whip it and and seem whos is bigger. Case in point a simple question. About and inexpensive acoustic or acoustic electric guitar. A lot of good feedback and real brands, but there is always some poster who has to throw in and please excuse my tone Well i love my hd-28 with Blah Blah Blah. When the issue is for a guitar under 1000 or in some cases 499. I admit i love to hear about high end stuff. who doesn't, but we need to confine our answers real points and not try to impress. I don't know maybe i am missing the point myself. If so please let me know

This happens in the mic forum also.

I need to get that Ritchie Blackmore sound. Can anyone help?

Answ: Yes, but you need a strat and an Engle amp for that tone.

Ahh, C'mon, I cannot afford an Engle amp and I only have a mexican used strat from a pawnshop. I can't believe what a gear snob you are!

Answ: But there is no way to get his tone fron your crate 10W transistor amp!

Now you are saying that tubes are better than transistors?

Etc. Ad Nauseum.

See what happens? The truth gets people in trouble. Then the flaming goes on.

You are not a gear snob if you recommend the solution to the problem.

In this case, you need a 1970 Strat heavily modified and an Engle Amp.

You ARE a gear snob if you don't know the solution and just drop name brands without knowing if they are really the devices used.
Proc said:
Buck thank you for your imput that is what i wanted an open anwser, and no you don't have to be so ridged but remaining in the ball park would be nice.


Maybe we should just eliminate the 1st Amendment and have more internet Nazis to make sure everyone says *exactly* what they should be saying, not whatever they want.

People stray from topics from time to time. You can either accept it and get over it or let them get under your skin and eventually drive you to climbing a tall tower with a rifle and a scope.