Please...need opinions...


New member
Hey there,
please listen to any (or all) of these songs and give me your honest opinions about songwriting and musical quality. Forget about recording or mixing (they were done at home with old portastudios).
Please, if you listen to a song, try to go all the way, listen it until the end, they all have different parts.

Thanks a bunch!

And lemme know!


listening to Stare
Your intro doesnt seem to tie into the song. or it doesnt do much for the song.
You guys seem pretty tight... but not as tight as you can be. slight timing issues... no big deal
The song structure seems alright... maybe stray away from the key that your in through the whole song. build some tension.
Other than that it sounded pretty good.
listened to stare...

warning - on lofi

firstly... i think it's a pretty good song, i like the chorus... "you're so delicate" and i really like the riffs and sounds of the guitar.

it kindda reminds me of radiohead actuually in their rockin` early days.

so yeah, i really like the song.


i thought the singing definately has to be louder, i don't think i would've liked the song if i didn't have the lyrics in front of me. cause it's way too soft to follow the melody line.

i also think although the singer's voice suited the song and sang a nice melody line, his voice could be stronger. there were places he was a bit mumblely, or fell out of tune in some places (especialyl in the low notes). has the singer had any lessons? they can really help.

although take note that it may not be the singer at all. because he really was hard to hear.
Hey guys...thanks for the input so far...

JMarcomb: The intro was there a long time is gone by now. These are early versions of the song. Also, the timing issues are being worked out.

hey Sandwiches: Despite the mixing issues, our singer IS out of tune in that recording, and we are trying to force him into singing lessons, maybe this post will convince him...:)

What about the other songs? No one?



Please guys, I really need more opinions, specially on Stare and Mr M...



I'm really into this type of music and I really enjoyed your work....especially novocaine. I must say that I really didn't get much out of stare. It was ok, but not great. I mostly liked Mr. "M" and novocaine....I even tried to download them, but the site isn't working anymore. I didn't get to listen to the last one because of the same reasons. My only complaint would have to be the singer. He isn't bad, but definitely not as good as the rest of the band. Just get him into some lessons and he'll be fine.
Stare : Lo-Fi
Purple ibis bills clacking in the shadows of the marsh ... intro is a bit to long.
The singer has a 'nice tone', I don't detect any notes that are horribly out of tune.
Nice tune. Sounds like he recently took a lot of oxycodone ... and then had a bit of whiskey.
I'm sure this goes over very well live. He supports tones well, can hold them a long time.

Mr. M : Lo-Fi
I really like the Intro, can hear some freaky long violin melodies.
Nice vocal 'oooooo', he's just a bit out of tune, but this is 'other alternative', he's using his vocal
as an 'instrument' and bending notes and such. I like it.
He's a slack ass bitch when it comes to singing here , but that's him.
I call it 'soft mouth, soft throat' ... ultimate slacker style.
whiskey tongues, heroin head type of vocal.
This is a pretty song, trippy ...
At 2:43 and he's seems to be intentionally out of tune ... I think he's jerking your chain.
Singers can be such bitches :D .
3:30 , love this thick guitar wall, this is great for portastudio stuff at Lo-Fi.
This tune is gaining energy, it's a mosh pit tune ...
4:19, bitch is singing out of tune on purpose, I kid you not.
It's cool sometimes, but not all the time.
at 4:49, he straightens up.
This guy does 'what he wants', which is basically what a front man in this genre should be doing,
but it doesn't make him much of a band mate. Cool tune.

Novacaine Lo-Fi :
Ok, it's not 'heroin vocals' ... he's just been to the bloody dentist eh ?
This intro proves he can sing in tune, he does slide up to the note, and waver around somewhat,
but he's there.
I like what is happening at 00:54, then a return to the 'big sound' ... that's cool.
I'd like to hear a bit of flange or phase on his vocal here.
Are ya'll tossing your hair on this tune ... now be honest ! :D

Goodnight Song Lo-Fi :
You have got to take this guys heroin away :D ... this is a mumbler ...
I love the simplistic guitar and minimal drum, it's all very mystic.

REVIEW other please, thanks for sharing.
Im listening to "stand"?
I agree the intro is a bit long. the bass drum may be just a little too heavy considering your keys are pretty soft in the mix....not much though. I can't find a whole lot wrong with the song or the mix. I think you pretty well nailed that "trippy" sound.

I liked the song a lot.
eh...Jimi...what keys?...and the song is "Stare", not "Stand". Thanks anyway, but i dunno if you are talking bout other song by mistake...


Hey there studio

I DO review others...look around here and you'll see.

Sometimes I cannot download or listen to music here though...


I haven't read the rest of the thread, and I apologize, but I'm also having to listen on

Novocaine - That's a huge piece. The second verse, when the distorted gits come in...vocal gets totally buried. Everything else I have to say about it sonically is good, so I won't waste your time.

Mr M - Radiohead all over this one. I like it more personally than novocaine. Okay, that's a guy singing at the beginning, right? I love that. I love it even more when the fem vocal comes in on the right. I WANNA' HEAR THAT VOICE MORE. (the level's fine, I just mean I want more of her in this song....God, I hope I haven't flipped the genders on this, offense if I have). Overall, the vocal levels are lower than I'd mix them on this song, but they're not to the point of being "too low" like in Novocaine. They're just mixed more like a guitar, which is okay for this tune. Man, I can tell a lot of work went into this. I really am reaching for something to bitch about, but I like it on the cans. The bass is there...layers of vocals. Okay, the dogwhistle falsetto part @ 6:20, that needs to come down a little I think...or verb it even pops out too much. Good listen.

You guys ever listen to K'sChoice? I think they had maybe one hit in this country, but they're one of my favorite bands of all time. Parts of this remind me (in a good way) of what I love about that band.

Good luck.

(p.s., if you want more listens, it's a really good idea to narrow the field a little bit...from your first post, I thought maybe there was an album up for review, and while you don't seem to be one of them, some fucks will come in here with an album that's totally FINISHED, that they have no plans on doing anything to, and basically asking people to tell them that they're great. There would be nothing wrong with just starting 4 diff. threads, a few days apart, each asking for comments on one song. It's hard enough to get people to listen to one tune at a time, lol...don't handicap yourself.)
Hey Chris...

...thanks a lot for the input...
Lemme put it this way:

1) You did switch the genders. It's the same guy in every single vocal line recorded. No girls. hah! No problem though, we know he sounds woman-ish sometimes.

2) I am not concerned about recording or mixing quality but I am about songwriting and performance. It was all recorded in one take, all playing together (except for an acoustic guitar on "Stare") and I paid almost no attention to mixing, since we were going to track the same songs some time after in a real studio, not in the crappy portastudio-pc-bad mics enviroment. We are almost done with the mix of the full-lenght CD (we recorded on 2 inch tape and used all outboard gear and really nice mics (most of em vintage!)

3) Thanks for the tip on posting the songs. You are right. I usually don't post in this area, I am usually on "Guitars", "Recording Techniques" and all those.

4) Where is that band you mention from? I wanna listen to it. Thanks again for the info.

once again...thanks a bunch!


Re: Hey Chris...

PowerCouple said:
Where is that band you mention from? I wanna listen to it.

hit "audio" and they've got some samples...but it's hard to get a real feel for a band from :45 clips, eh? They're from Belgium, I think. Brother and sister...but a pretty straight ahead rock band. Ethereal vocals with a wall of guitars is what kinda' reminded me of them with your stuff. You'll probably hate 'em, lol, but maybe not.