Please listen it wont disappoint

Jay V

New member
In my signature is the link to my music
I know atleast 100 people will see this,
All i ask is that you press play on the FIRST track
You dont have to listen to others unless you want
But i suggest if you like the song play the others
In my opinion they're all dope!
Please & Thank You
P.S. only 14 and we all have dreams so please help me get closer to reaching mines by possibly becoming a fan and sharing if you like
- Jay V :listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic::listeningmusic:
Don't spam all the forums with links to your music. If you want people to listen, you need to post songs here in the clinic looking for advice on how to improve your recording, mixing, etc., or looking for general feedback on the music. You won't get much response by simply asking for clicks and shares; and you won't get much response unless you give a bit back yourself by helping others with their queries and listening/commenting on their stuff.
Good music, flawless rhymes.
Not really a fan of the subjects you talk about.
For the music - 10/10
I dig that late 90's flavor to your samples. Some tunes need a bit of work with the delivery but you make up for it with other tracks.
I don't honestly no much about the production of hip hop, but I didn't care for it very much. The vocals don't seem to fit with the music at all, just like 2 different things playing at the same time, but not together. I did like your rhyming I just didn't like it with the music. Also think your delivery needs some work, it seemed more like reading off paper than you talking about a subject you care about.

Take all that with a grain of salt though, I'm looking at it from just a music standpoint and the process could be different for hip hop. This is also not meant to bash on you, just trying to give some constructive criticism from a music listener.

EDIT: Listened to some of the other tracks and they were better mixed. So most of what I typed above was about "Art of hip hop". Some of the others blend better but I still feel the same about delivery.
Don't spam all the forums with links to your music. If you want people to listen, you need to post songs here in the clinic looking for advice on how to improve your recording, mixing, etc., or looking for general feedback on the music. You won't get much response by simply asking for clicks and shares; and you won't get much response unless you give a bit back yourself by helping others with their queries and listening/commenting on their stuff.

Well. You tried. Looks like the thread got away from you though.

Seriously though, Jay, the clinic is ostensibly for getting feedback on your actual recording process so that you can improve and tweak your mixes. If you just want to market your project to people, post (no more than 1 thread) in the marketing subforum.
Starting multiple threads like this looks spammy and annoys people.