Please listen and compare (Christian Song)Thanks!


New member
I have a song that I have recorded twice with the old version and an updated version. I really focused on the drums more on the updated version. I went and bought new drum mics and tried to eq them more. Let me know what you think about the all around mix. Im a newbie so dont hold back!

Song title: Child of Mine

WOW!!!! I love the song and the separation on the instruments sounds fantastic. The only thing I might tweak is the snare, it seems under produced. I could easily hear this on the Christian stations. Very good job. Have a few points.
I could only listen to the first few seconds before I started getting that burning feeling. You know what I mean? Like when you go to church or someone throws holy water on you and you start to catch on fire.
It sounds like all frequencies below 500hz were sucked right out of the entire mix. I'm not sure if bass is seen as "the devil's frequency range" or not, but there is just no balls here, for lack of a more religion friendly word. I'm not going to comment on the song or performances, because it is clearly not something I am the target audience for, but I think you could get a less lethargic feeling here with a denser sound.
It sounds like all frequencies below 500hz were sucked right out of the entire mix. I'm not sure if bass is seen as "the devil's frequency range" or not, but there is just no balls here, for lack of a more religion friendly word. I'm not going to comment on the song or performances, because it is clearly not something I am the target audience for, but I think you could get a less lethargic feeling here with a denser sound.

How do I get a denser sound? What would you suggest? Like I said im a newbie so I am a little confused. Thanks for your post!
I think you did a good job. The things you need to work on is the snare. the first ones was good but too harsh. Try putting a drum plate on iy then lowering the volume on it.
Updated mix comments below.

Okay... First off, the sounds of the song sound pretty good, but they're not gelling together much. There's no body.

The vocals seem extraordinarily EQ'ed. It's like they've had the warm tones completely sucked out of them. Maybe it's the mic, maybe it's the processing.

The piano and keyboard sounds are pretty okay, but they still lack depth.

The drums are probably the most thin-sounding drums I've ever heard.

Original mix comments below.

The drums sound MUCH better in this version.. Holy cow. 100% better than the remixed version. Much more full of body and presence. Still a bit thin compared to the rest of the world, though. The vocals sound better as well. There's a few frequencies which are irritating in the vocals, though, which could be eliminated, which is probably what you tried to do with the remixed version, but too much was taken out.

Also, seems like the vocals are too hot on both mixes. Might want to consider lowering them a bit. Yeah... The more I listen to this, I think this is an issue. Lower the vocals.

Piano sounds more grating on this original than the remix.

So... That's about it. Make sure when you EQ stuff, you don't suck the life out of the sound. EQ can easily be overdone.

The sounds themselves sound good - the mix could be a bit better... Keep at it!
Updated mix comments below.

Okay... First off, the sounds of the song sound pretty good, but they're not gelling together much. There's no body.

The vocals seem extraordinarily EQ'ed. It's like they've had the warm tones completely sucked out of them. Maybe it's the mic, maybe it's the processing.

The piano and keyboard sounds are pretty okay, but they still lack depth.

The drums are probably the most thin-sounding drums I've ever heard.

Original mix comments below.

The drums sound MUCH better in this version.. Holy cow. 100% better than the remixed version. Much more full of body and presence. Still a bit thin compared to the rest of the world, though. The vocals sound better as well. There's a few frequencies which are irritating in the vocals, though, which could be eliminated, which is probably what you tried to do with the remixed version, but too much was taken out.

Also, seems like the vocals are too hot on both mixes. Might want to consider lowering them a bit. Yeah... The more I listen to this, I think this is an issue. Lower the vocals.

Piano sounds more grating on this original than the remix.

So... That's about it. Make sure when you EQ stuff, you don't suck the life out of the sound. EQ can easily be overdone.

The sounds themselves sound good - the mix could be a bit better... Keep at it!

wow...I thought the drums were a bit better but the snare is worse on the updated version. Someone mentioned in a post above about putting a "Drum Plate" on the snare? Not sure what that means. Thanks for the advice! I have plenty to work on.
Why does my MP3 lose quality so much when I upload my songs? My uploaded song sounds freaking mudy and just so different from the MP3 on flash disk that I bring to work. When I go to Reverbnation im this is not good! Should I have two separate mixes? One for the website and one for CD quality?
Needs more bass...lots more bass. I think that once you get the low frequencies in there the mix will sound a lot better. I like the first version better. The drums sound better.
I like the song. If there was one comment I would make, it would be that the panning was a little distracting in the updated version. Other than that I think everyone else covered it. Good job.

Why does my MP3 lose quality so much when I upload my songs? My uploaded song sounds freaking mudy and just so different from the MP3 on flash disk that I bring to work. When I go to Reverbnation im this is not good! Should I have two separate mixes? One for the website and one for CD quality?

NEVER use MP3s for "CD Quality". Ever. Period.
I would skip the midi instrument, and play the real stuff.. guitar, piano etc.. also your song and voice is good.. thanks for sharing.
This is without question the cheesiest song I've ever heard in my life! It makes Cliff Richard look like Marlyn Manson - I can't wait for the video!

Seriously though the song is well put together, arranged and produced if a tad formulaic for my tastes (I can't believe you didn't put in a key change!).

Is the snare a rim or a piccolo snare? I thought the "updated version" was better because it sounded like a rim initially but it would need to break into a fatter snare on the chorus.

The piano sounds too fake to me - maybe some room reverb would help, and the keyboard that comes in at the second chorus is a bit loud and I think i heard a pop (a "p" in the vocal that popped the mic).

By the way, can you guys enter the Eurovision Song Contest?
From a mix perspective, my view would be pretty useless as I'm really getting my head together in that vein. But as a listening punter, I think it's a good song. I prefer the initial mix. I think the people that mentioned the need for more bass are right, the first version gives that but could do with more. But I say that as a bass lover !
It's got a nice feel. The vocals and light harmonies I like, it's an OK melody and personally, I dig the snare on the first mix. Again, I like the kick drum so perhaps I tend to listen out more for that and I couldn't hear much of it. My bias. But if I was at someone's house and it was playing, I'd listen and like. It doesn't outstay it's welcome. Short and to the point.
Sorry, I cant even get myself to press play.

Jason, isn't that a little unfair ? I know you have issues/thoughts on the subject matter of the song coz you've openly said so in another thread but at this stage, the guy isn't asking for us to critique his viewpoints as expressed in song. He's asking us this;

Let me know what you think about the all around mix. I'm a newbie so dont hold back!

He wants to know what we think of how the song is presented. A little humour can be fine but it really needs detachment from us from our personal feelings if we are going to comment.
Jason, isn't that a little unfair ? I know you have issues/thoughts on the subject matter of the song coz you've openly said so in another thread but at this stage, the guy isn't asking for us to critique his viewpoints as expressed in song. He's asking us this;

He wants to know what we think of how the song is presented. A little humour can be fine but it really needs detachment from us from our personal feelings if we are going to comment.

I thought the same thing but was going to hold my peace. I feel the same way and thought the comment was a little immature. Thanks to everyone else who gave me positive advice with respectful critcism. I am anxious to get back to work on this song and see if I can improve it.
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