Please let me know how it's sounding to you guys.


New member
This is a raw pack I found on the Sneap forums that I felt like giving a go with. I reamped the guitars into an Engl Powerball, reamped the bass into my Tech 21 Sansamp RBI, the drums are metal foundry cymbals and some of my own drum samples. All mixed with my Equator q10 monitors and cross referenced with a pair of Extreme Isolation EX29 cans and Logitech computer speakers to make sure everything was semi balanced. It think its ok, I'm just alittle worried that the low end may be lacking alittle bit. Which is weird because normally the low end is over bearing. I did try something different this time for my mastering process though, I used Fabfilter's MB pro and L pro for mastering instead of the usual Izotope Ozone 5. How does this sound?

Too loud, compressed, and clipping. The whole thing has a grating quality that isn't' fun to listen to. I'd roll it back to the basic tracks and remix, keeping an eye on levels.
Yeah it's loud and compressed, but that's kind of the style. I might bring the lows of the drums up a little with eq on the kick and toms. I know drums are supposed to be clicky in this style, but it seems like they've completely surrendered the lows to the guitars and bass.
The reverb is kind of grainy, I might make it less pronounced. The tone on the main rhythm guitars is awesome. Lead guitar is a little weak in comparison. Cool song, usually I get bored with instrumentals but not this one. ::thumbsup::
the guitars are a peavey 5150 boosted with a bbe green screamer on lead channel into a Diezel front loaded, the rhythm is actually the crunch channel of the 5150, I seen Jason Suecof has done that a lot so I gave it a shot lol.