Please help !!!


New member
I am going insane here .....I am a beginner using a Focusrite saffire 6 interface that came with Ableton live .I am finding my way around ableton ok .However I can not stop this terrible buss/hiss/interferance coming from my interface . It not always ther .Some days its ok for 10 mins .Sometimes when doing a test recording I am thinking its all good then after 30 seconds or so it kicks in .
I have not a clue why and i can't move forward ..
Thanks in advance for any help...
Well, we could guess, but that'd take a long time.

What are you plugging in. What kind of cables are you using? What other equipment is in the loop.

Have you done any trouble shooting?

Is the noise being recording, ie. is it coming from the guitar or mic, or better yet, is it a real noise in the room?

Is it just a playback issue, but not actually on the recording? headphone amp? patchbay? cables? Interference?

IDK, you tell us. :)