Please help!


New member
Okay so I've had a Tascam DP-02 CF for a while now, but am getting fed up with one thing. I have a Behringer C3 condenser microphone (laugh it up) which requires phantom power to run (as i'm sure you know). The only problem is, I have to crank the input level to the very max in order to get some sound, resulting in background fuzz being recorded because the input volume is so high. Could it be that my Mic is just a piece of crap? ALL ANSWERS APPRECIATED THANKS!
Cranking it up like you say makes me think you are not getting the phantom power to the mic. Check and make sure you're using the right mic cord and and it's in the correct channel with the phantom power on. It looks like the DP-02 only gives phantom power to two of your channels.
The DP-02CF should handle phantom powered mics pretty well. It's the run of the mill dynamic mics that are the bane of that particular unit. I've run my AT-2020 (phantom power required) with no problems with gain.

Just MAKE SURE you have everything connected BEFORE you enable phantom power. Turn the DP-02 off when you want to disconnect the mic. It may sound extreme, but it will save you from possibly buying a new mic or a new portastudio (or a repair bill for the portastudio).;)