Please Help!


New member
hello, I'm having a hard time getting my audio to work in Cakewalk pro audio 9. Here's the rundown; I have a guitar plugged into a Line6 Pod2.0 . the Pod is plugged into an analogue->digital converter. the converter is plugged into my ews88d soundcard via lightpipe. the ews88 control panel shows feed to the optical input, but there's nothing on the wave panel. (which is the view of the levels of the drivers cakewalk uses to record.) i'm pulling hair over here, any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Does Cakewalk recognize the ews88?

Does Cakewalk show the input levels?

Do you have your track in Cakewalk ARMED?

Have you checked the control panel for the ews88?

fixed, but there's more.

ok, i'm getting feed to cakewalk now. but i can pnly hear what i'm recording until AFTER it's been recorded. (on playback) i'm not sure if i'm even supposed to hear it at all, but at least it's recording.

Secondly, i'm also trying to run the ews88d with gigastudio, and cakewalk at the same time. i've finally been able to get info from cakewalk into gigastudio. but it would be nice if i could hear it. In the ews88d control panel, the audio from giga/cakewalk is going to waveplay 1/2.

i would just call up terratec and ask them, but i'd have to call out of country.

I'm very new to all of this stuff, (obviously) and i'm pulling my hair out trying to get this all to work.

what are my audio settings supposed to be in Windows?
what are my audio settings supposed to be in gigastudio? what are my audio settings supposed to be in cakewalk?
what are my audio settings supposed to be in the ews88d control panel?

if anyone would be able to help make make all of this work it would be greatly appreciated.