PLEASE HELP - Urgent soundcard/midi question!


New member
This may be a really stupid question, but I am attempting to put together my first sequencing and home-recording set up and want to get it right and make sure I have the right ideas here.

Okay, so I want to use a midi keyboard to trigger my sounds from plugins and whatnot through FruityLoops or Reason. I have read that one can hook the keyboard to the sound card using a midi/gameport cable, but I want to make sure that my particular card will do this before I go get the cable.

I have the Avance AC'97 Audio Controller sound card.

Can it do midi stuff or do I need a better one?

Holla back soon - I'm dying to know!!! Any additional info would be appreciated.
Im assuming this is an onboard audio card. Does it have a gameport serial port ? You can look in the files for this card to see if it has midi capabilities. If so, then you need a breakout cable with serial connect and midi in & out jumpers which you can pickup for about 15-20 bucks at a music store or radio shack.
It can..., it is an onboard sound card.
You just need proper driver for the OS, and breakout MIDI kit (hooked to joystick port of the card and MIDI in/out of the MIDI keyboard.) I've tried this and work just fine.
Glad to hear it can work... I thought so but wanted to confirm before making any purchases. Hey Clemie - are you saying that I need a SEPARATE driver from the one that comes with the soundcard? Or just the one that goes with the soundcard?

Sorry if I am asking silly questions, but better safe than sorry right?
Bad boy, I answered your private message about 1/2 hour ago.
Get the cables and give it a try. If it doesn't work out, you can use it later if you get another card or just return it to the store for a refund.
The drivers that are there are more than likely sufficiant.