Please help! read pro's! i know youre out there


New member
ok, i have yet to get a straight answer on all this and i am asking a few questions, maybe to many, but any help will do.

OK so i am in a band, and we play quite the amount of shows(well are starting too) and we want to start playing to a click live on stage(not JUST in the studio) and running backing tracks live using ableton live. As well as using a drum module and single pad to use a Roland 808 sample to enhance heavier part's live. HOWEVER i don't know how to do all this, but i want to do it right so i need help from the people that actually know what there talking about.

a) i have a mac book black, and i will be putting 4 gigs of harddrive on it soon, and that will be enough, however can i run ableton live through a firewire onto an interface, and then onto the pa system of the venue? how would i do that? and can i do it on this firepod i already have (PreSonus FireStudio FireWire Recording Interface). if not, what interface or what should i get to run this live, or should i just get a sound card for it(although i dont think macbooks can get soundcard updates, only macbook pro)

b) i just need to know a electronic drum module that i can load .wav or .mp3 samples on and then be able to trigger them on a simple single sensor well im playing live.

also any advice from people that have used this to help there band, i play in a 5 piece band, drummer, bass (who also plays synth), 2 guitars, and a lead vocalist so...!

anywho thank you so much to everyone
You can use almost any playback system - A sampler, iPod, CD player - Anything.

Left track - Click track. Only to the monitors / drummer's cans, whatever.

Right track - FOH.