Please Help....Need some advices before sending this to a label

Could please see if there is anything wrong in terms of mastering and mixing?
and yeah, this also diferent from the usual stuff here, but at the end is very similar to rock :)
Its some kind of eletronic rock song.
Please give special atention to the vocals, wich is my weak spot :rolleyes:
The lyrics are in German
also it would be nice to see if you liked the music in general :)

how old are you? i mean, i'm 37 and to my ears it sounds immediatly familiar. but that's because i had my adolescent years in the '80's and it sounds like electro-wave from that period. so as far as that is concerned you shouldn't worry about finding an audience for your music as goth is back! i see 16 year old kids dressed like me when i was their age.

i think the mix sounds ok for this kind of music, but i don't think it has been mastered yet? if it has you should have it done again i think. i realise you want your music to sound 'dark' but still i think it could use a little sparkle in the high end.

after all, it is 2006.

:cool: ;)
faderbug said:
how old are you? i mean, i'm 37 and to my ears it sounds immediatly familiar. but that's because i had my adolescent years in the '80's and it sounds like electro-wave from that period. so as far as that is concerned you shouldn't worry about finding an audience for your music as goth is back! i see 16 year old kids dressed like me when i was their age.

i think the mix sounds ok for this kind of music, but i don't think it has been mastered yet? if it has you should have it done again i think. i realise you want your music to sound 'dark' but still i think it could use a little sparkle in the high end.

after all, it is 2006.

:cool: ;)

and i am only 23 years old :rolleyes: :D

and the idea was to sound "old" and warm. But i will try to work it out on those high freq
yeah, its not mastered....yet....professionaly :rolleyes:
Ibut then again, the quality of this mp3 file is mediocre
Very interesting. Its a good sound and its catchy. I like most of the synths. A few things:

A. Needs more high end. It sounds a lil fuzzy right now

B. Maybe pan it just a bit more. I am used to this kind of stuff having very wide stereo panning.

C. I cant make out the words. Your voice is low, but I think it has more to do with the quality. When the high voice comes in I can understand the words a lot better.

Ummmmmm, yes I know its auf Deutsch :D I am semi-fluent, played for 8 long tours in Deutschland. Where are you from?

Overall its very good stuff, I like the style quite a bit. Good job. :)