Please help me, im confused!!

Marc Mag

New member
im so lost, ive got all of my recording equipment already(mic, mixer, monitors, computer software) but i am running my mixer into the 1/8 inch mic input on my computer with a stock soundcard(dont know what type it is), i need to know what to buy to connect my mixer to my computer. Do i buy the best sound card with 1/4 inch input on it, or do i buy some type of digital box that has RCA stereo input and plugs USB to my computer? thanks in advance, any advice will help.
$ .02

well you've learned that the on board thing sux.. thats something... where's your budget? stay away from SB's any of them... dont know why they can be so bad when its the same people as emu? personally i'ld stay away from usb ymmv... fire wire can be real cool... before you buy anything check around with some of the guysthat are using that particular combination of card and software... they do not all play well together...