Please Help Me Fix This! (Short 1 min cut)


New member
Please lend me your suggestions. All I ask is a minute of your time.

This is a minute-long section of one of the first songs I recorded. Name is "Frozen in Love." Unfortunately back then, I wasn't too good when it came to miking techniques. So why don't I just record it over? This song has sentimental value, and the rest of it (which I will post at a later time when it's all fixed up) rocks and sounds great! We just can't get rid of it. Plus the singer/songwriter is 850 miles away so doing another take would be hard.

This song is made of two tracks. One is his vocal, and one the guitar. It's in mono, with a tiny bit of stereo reverb added to the voice and some 1.3/1 at 20 db compression to the overall mix. I don't remember what mikes I used, as this was recorded almost 4 years ago.

I've done everything I can with my machinery non-computer devices (Yamaha MD8, various compressors, various FX devices, and various tube preamps) to try to fix the guitar before it is mixed down. But no matter what I try, the guitar just doesn't sound right to me.

What I am looking for is any ideas as to specific frequencies I can cut with Cool Edit Pro, obviously post mix-down, to make this sound better. Or basically any feedback you have at all.

This link will take you to a page about the artist. The song is the only music link (so far) as I just made this website today. It should be easy to spot. Thank you so much for your time. I do hope someone takes a moment to listen to it and can make some suggestions. :)

Frozen in Love (Short One Minute Fragment)
That's a bit of a pickle you're in there... The guitar actually sounds like:

A: It was played very close to the bridge, giving it very little body to begin with - And/Or:

B: Is just a very stiff sounding guitar.

The part being played isn't helping... Not a lot of E/A root notes in there. So, the body isn't going to resonate at a "warm" sounding frequency from the start.

Just for fun, I downloaded the tune and ran it through some paces - After adding seemingly disgusting amounts of low end, the guitar still sounds very thin while the vocal parts are threatening to liberate my woofers.

The comression didn't make it any easier, but there just isn't enough warmth in the guitar to boost it. And cutting the rest makes the whole guitar disappear.

If the rest of the song is that easy, heck, play it again with some root. Or, add a bass line to it. Or, throw a bit of chorus on it to give it more depth.

Or, leave it alone and chalk it up to "Art."

John Scrip -
Well this song has potential, right now it's just a sketch. First of all the flow of the song is upset by the struggling of trying to find chords and lyrics. That alone can kill a performance as it almost does this one. Then in the middle of the song aprox 3:49 sec. where the second guitar, purcussion and keys come in it gets ugly. The beat is way off out of sync with the rythm. Also the vocalist begins to derail here as he struggles with the higher notes and with the faster tempo of the song. I personally find the second half of the song hard to listen to. Like I said this sounds like a practice session a work in progress. The song has potential given it's given the proper guidance. That's my opnion. Thanks.
Yeah, it was definitely a first run through. I decided half way through to stop the song. Then the author of the piece and I worked out making part two fast. I hope to re-record it one day but I am seperated by 850 miles from the performer of that song. I may free up some space on that disk and copy it, and then redo some of the tracks on part two. Mainly the drums to tide me over until a new one gets recorded.

But what is on part one is all I got to work with. I am gonna try (as suggested above) to add a bass to it so as to add some more bottom to the badly recorded guitar. I'm stuck with the guitar because it leaks badly into the vocal and can't be taken away.

Thank you for listening! :)

Anyone else?