Please Have A Listen To @ New Mixes from Musically Mr M-Something Different

I 've been working a couple tunes that are of a little bit different variety for me and as usual, I'd love for the keen ears hear to critique them. These have been done exclusively on tape using a Tascam 424.......keep that in mind as the quality may fool you. :)

The first one to listen too is Avion. This is a song that starts with a hauntingly simple melody that evolves into a "feeling" rather than a song. It has some shades of a Mark Knopfler piece (note the Strat sound on this one) but different.

The second song is a gospel mix (somebody is already sayin "gospel? arrrrgh") but it has a lot of flava'. It was a tribute to the music of Billy Preston (R.I.P.) and it has a lot of his 70'sshadings to it including a little Hammond to keep it intresting. It's called "Gonna' Rain Again" and it has some nice overdriven guitar in it.

Check these out and tell me what you think, what needs changing, what doesn't, yada yada yada. 'Preciate the help guys Here's the link: Click on the music link and listen to these two gems. :)
I listened to Avion. Cool tune for sure. But I'm not surprised that it's recorded to cassette. I can hear plenty of hiss. But still, it's played well and easy to over look.
I don't know that I'll need to listen as you've written the critique & review yourself.
Another hot tune Mr M.....

You have a great ability to make a 424 sound so much bigger than it is. I know - I have one....

Nice mixing on this one.

Great writing - poppin' with feel and funk. Vocals, guitar, keys and drums all top notch playing...

Very Nice.....

:) :D :) :D
Avion is a killer tune Mr. M. VERY good arrangement, good keys and guitar, everything is good. The quality is fine for a Tascam. Its not a high tech sound but its working. Very cool, I like this tune a lot, glad I listened. :cool:
I got heads up through an e-mail from a friend today....listened to Avion..great smooth cool jazzzzzz. Loved the listen!!!

Nice guitar playing. :cool:
VERY tastefully done. Top recording effort & it has a tape sensibility to it too. Tape suits this vibe and sound. I don't know Tascam stuff at all is it s 4 track, cassette, reel2reel?
Nice clean guitar sound. The only thing I'm not fussed on is the string line from the keys.