please guide me!!!!


New member
Okay, I do this with everything, whether it's buying a car or a guitar or bologna - fret and fret about what to get and being distracted by nutty details and generally ending up with something I'm not really happy with. I want to buy a decent vocal mic. The primary use will be for rock and roll and country type vocals. All I'm using is an MP tube preamp and running into a Roland VS 840. These are what I'm looking at: an AT 3525 for 189.00 (a good deal I'm sure), an AT4033 for 349.00, a Carvin CM-875 which I have heard nothing about but which comes really well outfitted, an NT2 for 379.99, and NT1 for 169.99, a CAD M39 for 299.99 - again I know nothing about this mic, a CAD E200 for 399.99, an AKG C3000B for 329.99, an AKG C2000 for 279.99 and a Groovetube AM 11 for 379.99. I am really tempted by both the AT 3525 and the NT1, mainly because of the prices. My concern with the NT1 does not have to do with performance so much - I know it's a good mic, but it is stripped down with no bass roll off and no pad. I am not at all sure how necessary these features are for my purposes. Can I compensate for these things with the Roland itself? Do I need too? Please, if you are knowledgable about these things and familiar with any of these mics please share with me your opinions and preferences and, maybe, why. Which mics would you choose. Thanks sincerely for your thoughts. BK

This thread here will probably help you the best. I hope sonusman still has it up.

The 4033 would be my first choice with those there. Why? The above link tells my ears why.

Though I admit I've only personally heard the 4033, NT-1, and AM11. What can I say? There are SO MANY out there that you have to have some type of elemination to figure-out which mics you're gonna audibly compare.

Though I haven't heard an actual housing branded "CM-87", I have heard the MXL 2001, ADK A-51, and Audix CX-101 which all internally the same mic; plus a few others I haven't heard. If going to go with ANY of the above, make sure you first listen to the mic you're actually going to purchase. There HUGE quality control issues with these mics.