Please give it a listen

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Ok lets try this again, I played recorded and mixed everything on these except two drum parts a friend did. I had a lot of fun doing them, I really just did what I wanted good or bad. It was all done on Logic pro X ...

Edited to keep it one song per post as suggested
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Interesting parts here and there. I'm not sure it holds together as a composition, just my opinion. I liked the bit toward the end.
Has the OP rage quit the forum? Was it the lack of response, or dissatisfaction with the response he did get?

As far as lack of response, it is frustrating to post a track and not get feedback. But he should ask himself, is he part of the problem or part of the solution? A forum like this works on reciprocity. Lots of people come here to post their tracks but never stick around to comment on other peoples' tracks. You begin to notice those who come only to take and not give back.

As far as the track, we all have snippets of songs that never went anywhere. Putting them altogether in a medley does not a song make. He would be better off taking one of those parts and developing into something solid. Just my opinion.
No robus I didn't quit.. thanks for the in depth thought's ... the song file posted was removed because the link hit a phase test line for the entire project. "My fault" , I tried to delete the post to avoid the obligatory web psycho analyst response but seems ya cant. But the actual file's are up now
Sorry I misunderstood. Glad you're back. Thanks for the commenting on my track and some of the others. I gave your first link, "Awaken," a listen. I'll have to check out the others tomorrow. Very nice guitar playing--it is a real guitar, isn't it? I'm particularly fond of a chimey sound on acoustic guitar. The synthesizer that comes in slowly on the left has a bit of an overdriven sound that mixes nicely with the pristine tone of the guitar. It's a good composition. Just about the right length too.
Thanks ! I was cheezed the upload was wrong and I didn't check it.. yes its a real guitar LOL its a Alvarez 12 string I used a Rode NT2 for it, if you listen back there's a couple squeaks from shifting chord forms tuff to hide them on a 12 string. There is a harpsichord under it with secondary melody line. And yes I actually play the keys on it but you never know in this midi world.

I plan on stopping in as much as possible, I play lots of different styles and am remastering a few older projects and putting them up. Plus I really love hearing what others are doing you can never learn enough about playing recording mixing..
OP, usually one song per thread. Hard to get people to listen to one song for the most part. More, well ...

I listened to Awaken. Guitar sounded like it you hesitated (1:32 wasn't sure) in a couple of spots. Seemed like there was some rumble (2:58) when there was a bass tone that came in.

Everything sounded fine.
I listened to Awaken. I didn't find a huge amount of direction in the beginning. I'm not sure how well it fit. I liked the sound of the guitar, and after the beginning it started to pick up a bit and it sounded fairly nice. The mix was pretty balanced, the bass fit really well and complimented the mix really well in my opinion. The part from 2:30 was a little bit disjointed and the melody reminded me a little bit bit of a popular nursery rhyme lol.

I think that you have a vision for this song, and I know what it feels like when you're trying to get lots of different unique parts into a song, keep going, I think you'll get there, but I'm not sure that it works just yet.

Thanks I will remove the other links keeping at on per thread.

Give them their own threads. Sometimes you have to be patient. Often the comments are slow to come in at first, but begin to pick up as you create new mixes and work to improve the song. That is what happened to the one I have up at the moment. As DM60 says, it can be a challenge to get the feedback you are looking for. However, I think the situation on the board is improving. We can make this a better community by emphasizing reciprocity and acknowledging the good citizens who make a point of giving back, of which there are a lot. You are off to a great start in that regard!
I listened to "Awaken." I think the recording sounds nice in general. I like the tone on the acoustics. My only nitpicks is about the composition itself. It didn't really seem to have a direction for most of it. I kind of kept waiting to hear themes come back or resolutions to occur, but they never really did. It wasn't until the end, when the drums and synths kicked in, that I thought, "Ok ... now we're into an ambient vibe, and we're setting up a mood." From that point on, I really dug it. Great synth sounds and note choices. But up until then, like someone else said, there were nice moments here and there, but I couldn't really sink my teeth into anything. Oh, and the string sample was a little too fake-sounding to me. But I loved the outro!

Just my .02. Thanks for sharing! :)
Yeah, I think this tune deserves a better string VST. Really nicely recorded. It's got a great classic rock warmth.

Composition-wise, there aren't a lot of familiar landmarks if you know what I mean, but I can dig the jazzy vibe.
Thank for all the comments , I knew not following the standard format of modern comp it would generate some questioning the unfamiliar. Thanks again for listening and commenting.
I listened to "Awaken". It's a nice piece - maybe a little reminiscent of some of the Windham Hill "new age" recordings from the '80s (although the synth adds a different element). The strings are problematic - they don't have the right decay & release - they just sort of stop abruptly at the end of each phrase. I tend to use soundfonts for strings (partly because I'm cheap)... I've used the "Campbell's Strings" soundfonts and they can sound ok. Lot's of other samples out there as well.