Please Give Feedback - Many Types of Music

Mr. MGseed! Good luck with your quest for feedback. Personally I'm buried with all the incredible talent on these boards and dont have a lot of time to weed through an entire website to find something worth commenting on. Generally you'll find the way this board works the best is if you post A song and request critique on something specific or the overall song, etc. This is a busy board and I think you'll find that's the best way to get a critique if that's what you're looking for. Maybe you're not looking for critique, just looking for traffic on your website, which is understandable, but frowned on in these parts. There's some very helpful people on this board that WILL take the time to listen and offer feedback, but generally these people will only do it if they feel you've taken the time to get to know how the board works and even give a shit what they have to say.

I appreciate all you've had to say in the Cave on the entheogenic drugs thread, found it very informative, and hope you'll stay around.
Got this error page on 95% of the tunes I clicked on at your site:

"error 404: File not found
The document you requested is not found. "
rats, I kinda figured the purpose of the forum was more catered towards specific songs. But was hoping someone would take the chance of listening anyway. Didn't realize this was frowned upon. I guess if this thread sinks real fast, I'll do a post for an individual song here and there. Thanks for the wish of luck.

Kramer, not sure what is wrong. It is working for me and and I can see by the stats that the songs are being downloaded. I had 7 for one song this morning alone. Maybe you tried as I was uploading something? Dunno, but it is working on this end.