please don't let me hurt my Distressor


New member
i love my Distressor.

it's one of hte nicest pieces of gear i own.

i'm going to make a record in Europe and i want to bring it.

anyone have experience using these with power converters in Europe or elsewhere?

what can i do to make sure i don't hurt it?

(i know, "don't bring it" but other than that?)

i from the UK and can safley say i've never had a problem using american gear. i think the rest of europe use a two pin system ( unlike our three pin) so it should pretty unlikely you will do any damge. Probally would be worth running it through a surge protector-
I don't expect real problems either. I bought a Digitech Genesis 3 amp modeler once from the US (ebay) and used it with a generic 220 -> 110V converter without any problems.
Just make sure you use a converter that can deliver enough watts.