Please don't kick me off


New member
This is a dumb question but I can't get around it and it is killing me. I use Cubase for my tracking and mixing and I just got Reaper because of its ability to handle vst's and direct x plug-ins. I am using Reaper to do some pitch corrections on a few vocal tracks trying to save them as a wav file and then open them back up in cubase to do a final mixdown. I do NOT want to do a mixdown in Reaper of my final tracks because I use HalionOne and ezdrummer, which I havent figured out how to open in Reaper. Everytime I render or consolodate/export a track from Reaper it ends up in my folder as a Reaper Peaks file. How do I get a normal wav file that I can open back up in Cubase? I know this is something that I should know how to do, but I am lost, please help.
P.S. I have not yet purchased Reaper and am still in the Trial mode, that shouldn't have anything to do with it but it might. Thanks.
Are you doing a File>Save?

You want to do a File>Render and specify the type and where to put the file.

(Demo mode doesn't matter)

Covered in the manual.....
Tim's right. You render to bounce to a .wav. I think the peaks files are actually just the graphical information used to display the wave form in reaper.
I'm trying to understand why EZDrummer isn't showing up in Reaper for you... Did you set the directory properly? For me it comes up as DFH Sampler even though I don't have the actual DFH plug-in, just the stock EZDrummer.
Make sure the ezdrummer dll is in whatever folder you specify here
