Please Delete my Account

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Does nobody ever read the rules you agreed to when you join forums? This forum has a nice set.
You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use the Service. Use of the Service constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.

Like most forums - you cannot demand your material is removed - and that's also an insult to other people who spent their time responding to the posts. people agree to the terms, then post, then for some reason demand they're removed. Stuff 'em!
Read? not really . I interpret the words so they work for me. Rest is pointless to argue..or that could be the whole point...whatever.

I mean you no harm...unless
With all the 'trade secrets ' being tossed around here' how could you leave.
Once you post publicly it is there on the internets until there isn't an internet. With regards to all of your post here...You can'r delete them but you can go and edit them and delete everything you said in each post and that will erase something you said that maybe you don't want the world to know you said...except If someone quoted you in that thread. Then what ever you said is there bigger n shit in their you could find every post where you were quoted and beg the poster to edit the post and remove your words but that's 100% up to them if they will or won't...

Like it has already been said..if you are not liking this BBS...just leave and don't come back...harder to do than you think....damn board is addicting.

It's a big internet out there and no one is going to give a crap about what you said here other than maybe a high security job or a political position doing a background check on that case if you said stupid or whacko shit you are SOL.
Maybe just stop getting on the internet when you are totally shit-faced?
I am sorry Mr Perfect, I wish I could be a great wonderful person like you, unfortunatley I am flawed like many other people and I cant spell.
Maybe just stop getting on the internet when you are totally shit-faced?
I have tried to be self effacing and apologetic with my replies but you are really starting to piss me off with your smug and arrogant replies. I only come here after a drink. If you are sober then what is your reason, should you not get out more?

Would you believe, this song by Balthazar Bumberdingle kept the double A-side of "Strawberry Fields Forever/Penny Lane off the no.1 spot back in 1967. It was the first time the Beatles hadn't made the no.1 spot since their debut single in 1962.
Had it not been a double-A side, it would've been no.1 but the sales were split not combined.

Would you believe, this song by Balthazar Bumberdingle kept the double A-side of "Strawberry Fields Forever/Penny Lane off the no.1 spot back in 1967. It was the first time the Beatles hadn't made the no.1 spot since their debut single in 1962.
Had it not been a double-A side, it would've been no.1 but the sales were split not combined.
That's what I like about those yesteryears, just about any style of music could top the charts. And I was always amazed when a ballad like this would topple a rocker.
Those ladies LOVE the Humperdinkle!
He made a funny comment in an interview. He was told he had won a dinner with .... Julio .... oh he thought, Inglesias how nice.... but it was the rapper Coolio... ha ha.....
I have tried to be self effacing and apologetic with my replies but you are really starting to piss me off with your smug and arrogant replies. I only come here after a drink. If you are sober then what is your reason, should you not get out more?
Look, you are the one who admits to being a drunk, and the evidence of all the stupid posts (then apologies when you sober up) you make when drunk is right there for everyone to see.
Sorry if you feel I am 'having a go' at you, but you need to look at yourself in the mirror. Its not like this is even the first time you posted this same old shit here, either.

. Yeah I'm a drunk but doesnt make me evil ☹️☹️
Even as a kid I didn't like it. Yet it was part of the soundtrack of my pre~school existence !
Look, you are the one who admits to being a drunk, and the evidence of all the stupid posts (then apologies when you sober up) you make when drunk is right there for everyone to see.
Sorry if you feel I am 'having a go' at you, but you need to look at yourself in the mirror. Its not like this is even the first time you posted this same old shit here, either.
Im cool with your comments xxx
Look on the bright side.
When we're dead and gone, our posts will live on. Imortality!
I have posted youtube videos that got copied and re-posted outside of my control.
We just have to accept what happens after we post.