Please Critique My New Song!


New member
Hey everyone, my band just posted a new song on NWR, it's called "Two-Way." Please check it out and tell me what you think. There's no bass part though, need to work on getting the bassist to practice. Everything was recorded raw from the mixer, no EQ or compression or anything else. Added a chorus effect on the guitar solo, and messed around with the volume, but that's about it. So listen and tell me what you think!

Here's the link:
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File Not Found

Hey i would love to listen but i think nowhere is down because i get a File Not Found screen that pops up when i click the link. Or maybe the link is screwy.
Man that "sum-bitch" is BIG. 9meg for a 4 minute tune. I tried to listen but was having a hard time because of the size of the song. Try putting it up at 128k and maybe you'll get more hits.

The first 30 seconds was kinda' cool :D


Disclaimer: I have no clue what I'm talking about...
Good Tune...but i would remix

Hey sounds like it would be a cool song, but it may need some remixing/retracking. It has a couple of tempo problems in the earlier parts. the mix is kinda thin sounding, but that could be because of the bass being well not there. Drums sounds a little weak. I think it needs a little EQing, and some effects and all that good stuff to sweeten it up a bit. Good song, needs a remix. Also i think that it would benefit from a bit more dynamics. Like when the drums and all that kick in the level should be a bit more in your face. Perhaps a bit of compression. Hope this helps. Bass tracking would really help fill in some sound and frequencies especially in the less busy sections.
Alright, i posted a way shorter file, it's now 3.5 Mb. I haven't done any mixing, and there is no bass part right now. I'm going to send in the song with all of the tracks and have someone else mix it for me, cause frankly, I suck at mixing.
I would also point out dynamics. The visual I see is the first 30 seconds everyone is standing up jamming, then everyone sits down.

Maybe have that first 30 in mono, then spread it out when the vocals come in. It is cliche'd, but it might work.

I would fix the dynamics, then work on the eq.
I wasn't sure if you were asking for feedback on the song itself or the recording...You already have a lot of feedback on the recording aspect, so I'll skip that (except to say that I think this is going to be a lot fuller once the bass is eventually on there)

From a songwriting stand point, I liked the way the song moved for the most part, but the break in the middle sounds like it needs something more...maybe something to help the build up back into the chorus. I actually can hear some strings going in there ... The vocal melody may benefit from a few more dynamics thrown in (I'm hearing some wailing in my head) ... anyway, what do I know?

Good overall and once that bass is on there, it will be even better! :)