Please Critique: Lounge, Jazz track for TV


New member
I don't have a good idea of what to do to this mix. This tune is going to be on a tv show, so I need it to sound pro. The trumpet verb is really heavy, and other times it sounds thin... I wanted the trumpet to be out front, and I want a lot of atmosphere. The vox were recorded in Puerto Rico last night, and they sent me a wet stereo vocal track, so I can't really change it except for volume. This is a preliminary mix. My ears are so burnt on this track. Sometimes the vox just sound so loud, but when I bury them, I just can't make out the words... Please help me out with some ideas, guys! Thank you so much ahead of time!

Warning- it is 7 minutes long. And, any artefacts/distortion/tuning are done on purpose.. I was trying to go low-fi, but then the vox just sounded so... modern that it is kind of a bizarre juxstaposition of new and old.

Shane Barber
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MrNemo said:
I don't have a good idea of what to do to this mix. This tune is going to be on a tv show, so I need it to sound pro. The trumpet verb is really heavy, and other times it sounds thin... I wanted the trumpet to be out front, and I want a lot of atmosphere. The vox were recorded in Puerto Rico last night, and they sent me a wet stereo vocal track, so I can't really change it except for volume. This is a preliminary mix. My ears are so burnt on this track. Sometimes the vox just sound so loud, but when I bury them, I just can't make out the words... Please help me out with some ideas, guys! Thank you so much ahead of time!

Warning- it is 7 minutes long. And, any artefacts/distortion/tuning are done on purpose.. I was trying to go low-fi, but then the vox just sounded so... modern that it is kind of a bizarre juxstaposition of new and old.

Shane Barber

Couple of off the cuff things:

It's a tad wallowy on the very bottom, the bass is very big, like it would be set for one of those "bounce a quarter on the roof" car stereos. Not at all offensive in and of itself, but it's not gonna translate well on TV. roll a little off the bottom, get some primaries back into it, up at around 125Hz. I'd maybe try sliding a little low mids into the vox, 400-800HZ range. I like the patina on the guitar a lot. Neat piece....