Please choose one...


New member
Hello to all. I really went into every review, forum and specs for choosing the best active monitors for my little studio. Still disoriented. I would greatly appreciate if you take a look now to the list I have so far:

Alesis M1
Db technologies M80
Studiophile BX5
Studiophile DX4
Tapco (Makie) S5
Tapco S8
Yamaha MSP3
Yamaha MSP5

These are the options for my budget and my geographical situation (I must cross a country to get them). They may be another model you may know in this range.

I am focus on pure rock. The studio is 5X2 meters, and I cannot benefit from a big wattage, so I would have to get something small, reliable and with he best quality possible.

Which one would you choose?

Thanks in advance,

Knock the Alesis and the Yamahas off the list. The Wharfedale Diamond 8.2 is getting rave reviews (including from me - I use them but am less experienced than many here; they are much better than the Alesis M1 I used before). The useful thing about these for you is that they were released as hi-fi speakers and you could probably get the passive versions easily from a hi-fi dealer in Switzerland; you just need to find a good reference amp to drive them. There are a few threads about them on this bbs.

Good luck (and I got this far without saying anything about your soccer referees!!)
Haha! I am not aware about that story with the referee, but anyhow I am Spanish. I live in Geneva and I must go to Lyon to buy music gear. Here you will only find cheap strato imitations and long swiss trumpets... really expensive all of them.

Thanks for the info. I read bad comments about Alesis, but I will stay away from the Yamaha too.

Actually I am amost convinced to buy a Tapco, and the 5-inches looks great. The other ones, 8 inches, maybe are quite big for the purpose I want.

Again, thanks a lot.

Sorry I forgot to make a comment in the active/passive issue. I would prefer active ones, because I plan to buy a laptop and make it a as potable DAW. The election of a good amp would be another problem, and it would be an extra gear to carry with.
Hey guys I'm having the same problem as Alejo does.. A cheap monitor that isnt mentioned yet here and gets good reviews, is the Tannoy Reveal. What do you guys think is the best really cheap monitor?
Just to throw out some more opinion... If you have a good amp, then Paradigm Atoms or Titans are wonderful speakers. They will only get you down to about 50hz, but they're very flat, and very inexpensive.