Please Check this out...


New member
Here's a recording my now broke up band did a month or two ago. We kinda rushed it (a few timing mistakes here and there), but I was just wondering what you guys would think of the mix. I didn't really have a good room/monitors, so I am looking for feedback on the overall balance. Anything else is cool too, even if you aren't down with the style. I appreciate any/all ideas/advice/comments. The song is called "Tuesday's Tradgedy"

neat intro...(but the vinyl simulation/scratch-click/pop technique is getting as popular as the Cher autotune:D ) did get that nice cheezy AM sound, however. Nice gtrs...and the bass sounds good at 2:10+ ...the singing at the beginning is a little lame, but seems to improve as the song goes on...or I got used to it. :rolleyes: Bg vocals blend in well. too bad about the band.
Thanks for checking it out,
I know what you mean about the vinyl thing, I just thought it might be cool for some contrast, but I can see how it can get old. The guitars are through a good old Marshall tube stack with a '57, couldn't mess that up too much.

Nice dude, the guitars definately sound good........I have no prob with the vocals either nor the mix........I like the vinyl thing but I would just leave it in the beginning of the song and 86 it for that little break just before 2:00...That's just my opinion.....Think that part would be good with just one guitar without an overdub and maybe just a bit more frequency on the high end instead of the vinyl............Overall it's a good balanced mix............I don't listen to that much punk music but........

Pennywise influence I think I'm hearing? Maybe?

Nice work dude

Pennywise all the way!!! We are all big PW fans as well as other bands, but our more aggressive side comes out in this track. I agree about not having the vinyl at the guitar break, it kinda makes it sound a little unrealistic. As far as the copyright I don't really know, the singer owns the lyrics, i guess I would own the music as I wrote the riffs. Hopefully I'll get accepted to UC San Diego for this next school year and the singer and i can start another band.

A few issues...

1- the entire track sounds like it was compressed to death - there are no dynamics at all.

2- the drum mix -- kick seems to be unnaturally upfront

3- probably related to the overcompression, but the track overall is thin and lacks punch and impact. And the bass is virtually undetectable.

4- there is no depth to any of the tracks, everything is just dry and "there", but not in a good way.

5- I did like the guitar balance and blend though!

Bruce summed it up pretty acurately IMO, definitely a good track, but nothing that came out of my monitors and slapped me around, which is what I expect from a punk tune. I wholeheartedly agree that the bass is a bit undecipherable and there aren't a whole lot of dynamincs. But the guitars sound real cool and the track as a whole is definitely pretty cool.

You guys have given me some great feedback. I'm very interested that Bruce said that is was too compressed. I didn't do any compression or limiting on the mix as a whole, but I did limit the bass track and buss the drums to a compressor and mix that back with the dry tracks. I think the reason why my bass is so screwed up is because I have no decent monitors, but that is something I know I need to work on anyway. As far as depth, it was hard for me to decide what to do as far as reverb and delay goes. The gtr tracks are dry, the snare has a combo of long and short 'verb. How would I add more depth to the tracks without taking from the aggressiveness of the song?

Thanks for your comments,
I thought I had replied to this, but apparently not.

The good:
nice intro
I liked the guitars
lead singer has a pretty good voice
smooth sound
good arrangement
I like the drumming
good balance

Its not loud enough
It could use a tad more high freqs
the singer was like shouting

The ugly:
I agree with the other comments. Nice guitar sound. I liked the cool contrast at the begining. Nice sound on that change around 1:00. Pretty cool.

We never officially copyrighted them, so I guess no one officially owns the copyright. How would that change if we had been signed? Would the label make us copyright them, or would the label own the copyright? That would be jacked up... Indie all the way

labels don't make you copyright them but if you are in a band and you have label interest, you probably have your songs copyrighted already.

when you fill out form SR or even PA from you (or a co-auther) are the true owner of the copyright.

when someone says that a label "owns a copyright" I don't think they truely own the copyright (ie the said label is not on file at the copyright office). when you hear someone referring to a label owning a copyright, they really do not own the copyright, they just own rights to the song via contract--they govern what the band does with a song (eg the label might not let the band put the song on

get it?
Let me clear that up for you fenix

The label owns the sound recording - the song on CD...the band owns the music and lyrics on that cd which is the composition registered at LBC on form PA.....

and greg noone officiialy owns the copywrite (thats wrong bro you all do.....and there is no distinction on who owns what if you all contributed (no matter how much ) you all have a claim to that copyright