Please advise re: Mix/EQ


New member
Hi all -

Please could you have a listen to this rough mix from my band:

I'd appreciate any comments/advice you have re: the overall EQ of the mix...not sure it 'sparkles' enough. How do we fix it? Also re: vocals and drum sounds.

We're doign a remix soon so *any* feedback very much appreciated!

KIK drum could come up a bit and the bass hasnt got enough attack or volume in my opinion. I would say that this music is quite bass orientated so boost that bass.
Vocals are alright.
Listening to it on phones, it does sound like it could use more upper end presence. I didn't really notice anything else mix-wise, but it all kinda goes away, because it's musically very good, so it's hard to pick out inadequacies in the mix unless carefully scritinized - good music really records itself. I was happy to find what I consider "real music" begin to play.

Many thanks for your comments...really appreciate what you said.

In terms of the upper end presence...yes I think you are right. It sounds a little bit muddy to me...perhaps we have too much 'Mid' EQ somewhere in the mix.

To the other comments "elek"...thanks..though to be honest it sounds pretty bassy already to me...but I thin kyou are right about the kick drum..should be a bit louder.

What I am not sure about re: the upperend presence is whether this also needs some better compression and graphic equalisation in the mixdown/mastering..maybe that would help?

Any more comments/ideas around that would be much appreciated..