Playing live and recording


New member
Most of my experience has been in the studio. I am going to be playing my new music live in a couple of months here at my house and I was going to record teh performance.

My question is: With a Mackie D8B, what is the best way to run the sound, for stage monitors as well as FOH? I want to send mainly vocals to the monitors but since I don't normally run sound, I don't know what the general rules of thumb are. i.e. Assign to one of the busses and then what? The D8B has phones 1/2 mains and near fields out. What do most people do?

I'm not familiar with the Mackie, but maybe you can use an Aux Send as the monitor output? That's what I usually do.

I think I'm a little confused about what signals you would record. You have, I guess, 8 inputs to the Mackie, the main output goes to the main speakers, Aux Send perhaps for monitors as above. How will you connect the recorder? Will you record your tracks separately or make a stereo mix in real time and record that?
