Platinum Vocal Compression

Good article, but I felt that's common sense, its what I've always used. Low threshold, low ratio, high threshold, high ratio.

Though the Release info was valuable to me. Thank you.
I've gotta call shenanigans on the intro. I'm pretty sure the pros aren't not sharing their exact numbers for fear of their jobs.

That being said, there's some good information in the article. Thanks for the link.
Secrets? His advice is pretty good, but there's nothing secret there to anyone who understands compression, and nothing that any pro engineer wouldn't be happy to share with anyone who asked.

Here's another "secret": a proofreader or an editor can help prevent one from publishing an article with at least nineteen formatting, spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes in five paragraphs. ;)

I thought the article sucked - cookie cutter solutions. We're recording music, not baking cookies. Step 1 - learn how to use a compressor. Step 2 - listen to the source, figure out what it needs and do it.