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New member
I feel like an idiot.

Okay okay.. I do not know all of these terms.

im trying to buy an audio interface for recording

first let me tell you my computer specs:

it is an Asus w3v custom
pentium m processer 750
80 gig 7200 rpm HD
1 gig ram

With that said..i was planning on getting the firebox but i feel i may be able to get away with something only a beginner.

I have decided on the studio projects b1 condenser microphone. So, i guess that needs phantom power.

Now.. if i chose to get this sound card:

MAudio Firewire Audiophile 2496 Audio Interface

( )

would I need to get a phantom power box? And not only that but how many instruments can i record at once?

I mainly would like to record midi/audio keyboard and vocals. and drumset. its ok if i have to record them seperately.

Is this interface crap? Should I just stick with the firebox??

Thats all im wondering. I just dont really know if i understand all of that termonology on this interface's page.

I mean..that is all Ineed to record right?

a computer, a mic, and a good soundcard, phantom power(if the soundcard doesnt come with it)

anything i am missing?
You need a microphone pre-amp. That is what amplifies the mic's signal up to line level so it is suitable for the input on that soundcard. That Audiophile 2496 unit you linked to does not have mic pre-amps built in, so you would need to purchase at least one of those separately. You need one mic pre-amp for every microphone you want to record at one time. You might prefer to buy an interface that includes mic pre-amps. I think that Firebox you mentioned does, I'm not sure. If it has phantom power it will tell you specifically on the specs of the unit. Phantom power will only be present on a mic pre-amp or an interface that includes them. Alot of people purchase a small mixer to route to their soundcard. That way you get multiple pre-amps in a relatively inexpensive package.
As far as your other questions, out of the things you mentioned wanting to record, you'll have the most problems with the drums. Most people use at least 4 mics on a drumset. Even up to 10 or more. You'll need multiple mics at least, and then you'll either need multiple pre-amps and inputs on your soundcard, or you'll need to create a submix of the drums on a small mixer and route only 2 channels to your soundcard. But then you are limited with mixing.
Thanks for answering.

So I guess I may as well just stick with the firebox since it has preamps built in.

It will probably be more troublesome to buy the preamp seperately


Oh wait it is cheaper to just get that m-audio interface thing in my last post along with this:

^So that is a preamp and has phantom power. So I would just hook this preamp into the soundcard ? But it has all those buttons on it :( Is it hard to use? I have NO CLUE what I am doing.

Someone please answer, I have to hurry and purchase. I am leaving next year and I need to get everything before the end of the year.

So I got my laptop
Basically got the mic

Now just need this soundcard stuff figured out.
Yes. Thatis a pre amp with phantom power. So all you have to do is plug ur B1 into it, and plug the pre into ur soundcard and you're good to go.
lyricist said:
Thanks for answering.

So I guess I may as well just stick with the firebox since it has preamps built in.

Oh wait it is cheaper to just get that m-audio interface thing in my last post along with this:

I don't know what the back-order time is, but you're within $20 of the best price on the FireBox, which probably has much better pres, which definitely is a more standards-compliant FireWire device, and in generaly will almost certainly be more reliable and better quality....

Also, I don't know if anybody has tried it yet, but Presonus just rolled out a new product that would do what you're looking for, and is even cheaper: only $198.
Oh by the way..firebox comes with "cubase"

what if i wanted to use like something else with itlike pro tools..could i?
Can someone answer that last question please??

I need to buy this stuff VERY SOON.

Please? THANKYOU whoever does.
you can get an M-audio radium midi controller which is totally USB won't have to unhook a thing....if all you're wanting is a midi controller.


So both the audio interface/soundcard along with my keys via midi will work at the same time..awesome.

I guess I will get the new box from presonous since its cheaper. Yeah im a cheap-o. so?