pitch correctors???


New member
hey quick question....ok ive got this kid in my band that sings....well not really...he sux, and he thinks he good, and our recordings, and performences are lagging because of it....is there any thing like pitch correctors, or anything that i can use during recording to make him sound better...or is it just the way it is???? thanks guys!!!!

1.Singing lessons.
2.An ultimatum ("get lessons or we get a new singer")
3.A new singer
4.Become an instrumental band.
5.Get him to learn an instrument.
You will still run into problems. If a singer can't sing in key, that normally isn't the only problem with his performance. It's just the most noticable. Once you correct the pitch, you will notice that the tone sucks, the timing is off, the delivery is weak, etc...

He needs to learn to sing or find something else to do. At the risk of sounding like an old man, not everyone was meant to be a singer. There was a time, not long ago (10-15 years) when there was no real way to fix a bad performance, The singer just had to sing it well. If he isn't willing to put in the work to get good at it, he probably won't do the other things necessary to get anywhere in music.
wow...THANKS GUYS!!! all these tips help alot...im gunna download that plug in, and see how it works!!!! hopefully itll work...but yah...The kid also plays the guitar, and he's not very good at that either (but he does have good song writing abilities)and hes got a Vox 30 watt, and an epiphone sg but the guitar + that amp is not very good sounding...at all. could it be the combo nation? or his guitar skills? idk...any recomendations for good sounding combos of amps and guitars?
wow...THANKS GUYS!!! all these tips help alot...im gunna download that plug in, and see how it works!!!! hopefully itll work...but yah...The kid also plays the guitar, and he's not very good at that either (but he does have good song writing abilities)and hes got a Vox 30 watt, and an epiphone sg but the guitar + that amp is not very good sounding...at all. could it be the combo nation? or his guitar skills? idk...any recomendations for good sounding combos of amps and guitars?

If he's not very good at guitar, no combination of guitars and amps will make him sound good. Even though it's easier said than done, you need to find a new band mate.
Seriously, do the right thing for your music career. You decide !!!

and thanks for the link Chibi Nappa I will check all their plug-ins. looks interesting​
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If the singer is really bad, an autotuner will correct him to the wrong note. Or if he's 1/2 way between, you'll hear his singing bounce back and forth between 2 notes robot style, it's a dead giveaway of a shitty singer.. IME an autotuner takes a decent singer and snaps his pitch to perfect, IF he's close. But you gotta sing it close.. You can def. tell if he's not, then no autotuner in the world will save you. It either makes a good singer better, or a bad singer worse. Or gives you that kanye west robot fx if youre into that.......
Get yourself an Antares AVP vocal processor. Usable in both live and recording settings. But of course much like everyone else has stated he needs to know how to sing, not just think he can sing.
Even like with the unit that I told you about, if your singer is really off it will correct the pitch to the wrong note which could be even worse then him singing without a processor.
Just don't let him purchase one of those vocalist live units! I run into these all the time with so-so singers trying to be better or just mask the fact that they can't sing and it always ending up sounding worst than if it wasn't there to begin with.
If the singer is really bad, an autotuner will correct him to the wrong note. Or if he's 1/2 way between, you'll hear his singing bounce back and forth between 2 notes robot style, it's a dead giveaway of a shitty singer.. IME an autotuner takes a decent singer and snaps his pitch to perfect, IF he's close. But you gotta sing it close.. You can def. tell if he's not, then no autotuner in the world will save you. It either makes a good singer better, or a bad singer worse. Or gives you that kanye west robot fx if youre into that.......
Just don't let him purchase one of those vocalist live units! I run into these all the time with so-so singers trying to be better or just mask the fact that they can't sing and it always ending up sounding worst than if it wasn't there to begin with.

Ditto ..... I use a Digitech Vocalist Live4 for some of my solo gigs and you actually HAVE to really refine your singing to get it to not suck.
Even strong vibrato will make it do bizarre things. You have to sing pretty much in pitch and no vibrato to make it sound passable.
I use it to add a little hidden harmonies on solo gigs to fill in a bit and I've managed to make it somewhat useful but I don't use it for anything except occasionally a single part harmony .... I mix it well down in the mix and DON'T run my main vox thru it at all.
I just use a send on the vocal channel to the unit to get the harmony and I have to be really careful to sing dead on pitch when I'm using it.
Even normal vocal flourishes have to be skipped when using it ..... pretty much only singing very straight and dead on pitch works and even then it's of limited use.
Doesn't sound like your singer can do that.
If he sucks at most everything he does, why is he in the band?
Let's see: He can't sing, so lets get a piece of equipment. He can't play guitar, let's buy him a new amp...

I see a pattern and it's not a useful way of thinking. If he can't sing, he needs to learn how or stop. If he can't play, he needs to learn how or stop.
Ditto ..... I use a Digitech Vocalist Live4 for some of my solo gigs and you actually HAVE to really refine your singing to get it to not suck.
Even strong vibrato will make it do bizarre things. You have to sing pretty much in pitch and no vibrato to make it sound passable.
I use it to add a little hidden harmonies on solo gigs to fill in a bit and I've managed to make it somewhat useful but I don't use it for anything except occasionally a single part harmony .... I mix it well down in the mix and DON'T run my main vox thru it at all.
I just use a send on the vocal channel to the unit to get the harmony and I have to be really careful to sing dead on pitch when I'm using it.
Even normal vocal flourishes have to be skipped when using it ..... pretty much only singing very straight and dead on pitch works and even then it's of limited use.
Doesn't sound like your singer can do that.
If he sucks at most everything he does, why is he in the band?

I was just talking about the Digitech Vocalist in anther thread! Man, was that a bizarre piece of gear. I mean, you did nearly have to be dead nuts on pitch for it to be useable and with zero vocal inflections. Too funny!:laughings:
...If he can't sing, he needs to learn how or stop...

Don't be too sure. Eddie Vedder can't stay on key, yet Pearl Jam is making millions. :laughings:

Funny thing about singing: You don't really have to hit the notes to be awesome. Vedder, Curt Cobain, Bob Dylan, Thom Yorke, ect. All awesome entertainers without much regard for pitch. Expression and personality and delivery and appropriateness go a long way towards making up for pitch.

It's kinda' why Autotune and the like suck so bad. People get the mindset that singing = correct pitch. So stuff that needs way more than a tune gets by. Worse, stuff that doesn't WANT a tune gets tuned. Could you imagine David Lee Roth tuned? I'm sure not too many people would still remember "Running with the Devil" if Autotune was around back then.
Funny thing about singing: You don't really have to hit the notes to be awesome. Vedder, Curt Cobain, Bob Dylan, Thom Yorke, ect. All awesome entertainers without much regard for pitch. Expression and personality and delivery and appropriateness go a long way towards making up for pitch.

It's kinda' why Autotune and the like suck so bad. People get the mindset that singing = correct pitch. So stuff that needs way more than a tune gets by. Worse, stuff that doesn't WANT a tune gets tuned. Could you imagine David Lee Roth tuned? I'm sure not too many people would still remember "Running with the Devil" if Autotune was around back then.

Donald Fagen. Dudes lead voice is horrible. But it works.
There are 2 pitch correctors I can recommend for this guy. The first one is-make him listen to recordings of himself until he realizes that he sucks. The second one is called a shinai. This is a split bamboo sword used in kendo. Every time he misses a note, you smack him in the shin, real hard. You'll be amazed at how fast he'll sound like an American Idol.-Richie
There are 2 pitch correctors I can recommend for this guy. The first one is-make him listen to recordings of himself until he realizes that he sucks. The second one is called a shinai. This is a split bamboo sword used in kendo. Every time he misses a note, you smack him in the shin, real hard. You'll be amazed at how fast he'll sound like an American Idol.-Richie

:laughings::laughings::laughings: LOL :laughings::laughings::laughings:
Richard why confined the whacking to only the shins?