Pitch bend limited to 2 notes.


New member
I've just discovered that I can't get any Windows based applications to bend more that 2 notes (sequencers and softsynths). I've tried inputing "the big 127" in VST, I've tried numerous controller keyboards... but Windows just can't do it for me. I'm sure that I've had full range bends using my current PC - but not now :(
Please help me before I'm forced to get out the Atari.

I'm running Win98, AWE64 (I'm assuming this is the cause of the prob), VST32, and a few softsynths.

Well... here I go answering my own question just incase anyone else has the same problem (thanks to whatever AWE faq site I found this on).

1.In your sequencer, bring up the event list for the track you want to change.
2.Insert a control change at the beginning, number 101, with a value of 0
3.Insert another control after the first one, nr 100,with a value of 0
4.After these two, insert a third control, nr 6, with a value of the desired pith bend range (in semitones)
5.Just play the very beginning of the song, to send the MIDI-messages.

Seems like a pretty stupid thing to have to go thru just for pitch bending... Bring on the ST I say.
My kybd controller has an internally programmable pitch wheel range control. Once set- it automatically sends the appropriate control message to my sequencer when it's used.
Ahaa... Maybe that's why I've only just noticed the problem. Up until a few weeks ago I was using an old Roland S-50 as my controller - maybe this sent the pitch range message to my sequencer and my current controller KB (BassStation) doesn't. Midi is so dumb :)