Pink Censored by Queue


Active member
It has now become standard for me to be saddled with the task of creating a compilation CD to be added to the "Goodie Bags" passed out at my Twins' Birthday party. (They turn 6 this week).

The kids (and Mommy) give me the song list, and I begin ripping and burning...

This year Mommy added Pink's "Get This Party Started" to the playlist. Imagine her suprise when Pink proudly (and loudly) states "they'll be kissin' my ASS!" about a minute or so in to the song. Luckily she caught the lyric before I started burning the copies...

I took it as a challenge to attempt to censor the offending (for a 6 year old) lyric. I used SoundForge to edit the song, I've uploaded an MP3 that contains the unedited passage, followed by my version. The file is all of 256k, even you dialup users can check it out.

Lemme know what you think about my edit.
Pink's Ass, followed by Queue's AssEctomy mix

censorship is baaaaad, mmmkay

...but they are 6 after all ;)

Pretty smooth edit, BTW.

I'm a little surprised Pink is among a 6 year old's musical tastes. Maybe...ya never know these days. I guess when I was 8-9 I was into Europe and Winger in the late 80's, which I guess was representative of popular music back then.

That's cool of you to try to find something reasonably popular/appealing. God knows if it was my parents and I was 6, they'd be putting on the Raffi record... :rolleyes:
I'm with ya on the "censorship is bad", but I'm not quite ready for my kids to be singing "kissin my ass" :eek: .

I expose the kids to all kinds of music. They kinda grew out of Raffi around 2-3 yrs old. My daughter is mostly into the "mainstream" kids stuff (whatever she gets exposed to from Nickelodeon and Disney). My son on the other hand is all over the radio, and frequently raids my CD collection. It is alway interesting to see what his latest "discovery" is. Last year he was big on Lenny Kravitz, this year's favorite is Bon Jovi...

If you listen to the unedited version, you'll notice that the vocals were already isolated. SoundForge is a powerful editing program. Many would argue (and justifiably so) that WaveLab is better. I'm just kinda used to the interface in SF.

I d/l'd your song, and will post my thoughts on your thread...
