"ping" software to prevent timeout disconnect


Can anyone recommend something? I've tried a couple different internet speed booster things that had a ping function supposedly built-in. One wouldn't even boot up and one wouldn't ping. Frustrating. I'm using 98se. Thanks.
I'm assuming your dial-up SW (or DSL software?) disconnects after a certain period of inactivity, and you'd like some utility to periodically ping some remote host to prevent the disconnect? I'm not sure of any utilities, but I'm sure you can write a DOS batch file. I'm not sure of the syntax, but the pseudo code would be
while (true)
sleep 2 minutes //pick a good time
ping remote_host

Just always have this running, and it will ping remote_host every 2 minutes (or whatever time you specify)

Hope that helps!
Know of any online places I can go to learn how to do that? or maybe books? My programming experience is limited to FORTRAN, BASIC and just a little DOS, but I'm pretty comfortable learning new stuff.
Just keep a another browser window open on a website that updates every few minutes (some of the news sites do....)

Think that'll do it? I would've thought you'd need something going out of the computer, and it seems like an updating website would just be stuff coming in.