Pics of drum recording I just did and an idea for you.

Heh, you just partially redeemed yourself. I've been drinking Arrogant Bastard for YEARS now, and it's tough to find out here in Mass. Not an everyday sort of brew, but damned tasty.

Keep an eye out for Harpoon Leviathan Imperial IPA, if you're into hops as well. Dear god.

Yeah Wegmans (only located in the Northeast) put in a beer isle with a bunch of import shit.
I thought Id slow down and do some reading this halfway through another track :rolleyes:


I reckon i can start a track from start to finish, recorded, mixed, critiqued and any fixes in five wonder folks are sick of my stuff in the clinic, I started at 8 yesterday and finished at midnight :laughings:

If I have lyrics, I can track and rough mix everything in one day if I go non-stop. It's a combo of efficiency, talent, and simple, dumb songs that rock. :D
I wish i could say the same, but frikkin' writer's block. Then the interruptions because I do have a job and I get calls and emails every other day. :(

Yeah, I've been pretty lucky. I've been hammering out songs lately. Songs that I'm happy with too. I've got all the songs done for a second album, and I'm 4 songs into the third. For the first time in my life I have more complete lyrics written than riff ideas. :drunk:
If I have lyrics, I can track and rough mix everything in one day if I go non-stop. It's a combo of efficiency, talent, and simple, dumb songs that rock. :D

oh no spare us :D

you know when people say dont spend too much time on the detail or the process.....well why the fuck not, I have the time! :laughings:

i really should have lunch now.....ravioli from last night..yum
oh no spare us :D

you know when people say dont spend too much time on the detail or the process.....well why the fuck not, I have the time! :laughings:

i really should have lunch now.....ravioli from last night..yum

I'm still full from that spaghetti.
Yeah, it's the lyrics that really slow me down. No offense meant, but I don't want to write just any old dribble. I like to think there is some thought behind my words. Arrogant, I know. :rolleyes: So, it's a slower process for me. Oh well,
My lyrics are dribble. Totally. Lyrics are the least of my concerns when writing a song. I mean hell, I think I said "you suck" about 50 times in my last song in the clinic. :laughings:

But if it makes you laugh or drive fast and kill someone, then it's good.