Pickups :-)


New member

Here's an easy/straightforward question for ya (yeah right!!! :) )

The stock pickups on my EPI Les Paul Custom HUM a bit....not too much, but a tad too much for my liking.....so, I'm gonna replace them.

Yeah, I know it's only an EPI, but the guitar plays real well and I like it......I've used USA made Strats for 32+ years, but recently decided to try one....and now I can hardly put the thing down...I guess I'm gonna have to go buy a real LP soon, but in the meantime I'll just get some better pups...

So, which ones should I get?

Seymour Duncans (I have them on the Strats)
Better Gibson's

I've heard/read the EMG 81/85 active combo set that ZW uses is real good. I play/write (all original 80's kinda heavy rock/metal stuff) "fused" with world/ethnic influences, and like a punchy, crunchy powerful, but also a clear n warm kinda sound too.

The Soldano SLO100 is my fav amp tone....

I also have a lot of Dave Gilmour type slow, clean, sweet, lead passages on my tunes too.....so that's another consideration here.

A penny for ya thoughts, and some suggestions would be nice, before I fork over the dough for some new pups and get out the soldering iron...


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BUMP!!!! :)


23 look-ins (so far) and NO figgin' suggestions...


that doesn't sound like the self opinionated, outspoken, guitar players I've known for the past three decades, or so!!! :D

it goes unsaid... but it depends on the tone you're after.

you like the Soldano Amp tone, now who plays this and has a tone you like... go for those pickups...

you like Zakk Wylde's tone with EMGs, I believe he plays Marshalls, so there you go...

you stated you like 80's rock-metal kinda stuff... how about the George Lynch tone...

does your guitar have more than one pickup that hums... if so maybe it's not the pickup(s). but then again new pickups are always fun...
Duncan TB-4 Trembucker for the bridge pup, and the SH-2 for the neck pup.

It's exactly what you're looking for on that guitar... trust me on this. ;)
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Kevzmusic said:
Why do you pick that combo....the SH-2 is a Jazz pup....
I have an SH-2 on my SG along with an Invader. I like the SH-2... it's got a full low end and it's very clear...
The reason I thought I might get the EMG 81/85 active combo is a) loads of folks seem to like 'em, b) I like a heavy metal 80's tone and c) They are supposed to be very quiet (ie: zero hum)...I simply HATE any amount of hum ;(

BUT, on the other hand, they might not give me the warmth/rich sound I need for my Gilmour clean type floydy stuff....

I think it's a bit of a challenge to get both heavy metal crunch & sweet warm with the same guitar....

Which I'd like to - IF possible...

I would suspect the wiring and insufficient cavity shielding as likely sources or at least contributors of the hum. You might want to check that out before you change pickups.
Seymour’s are great. My current favorite combination is the Alnico II in the neck, and a Pearly Gates in the bridge. Sounds great. The other pickups I love these days are the Joe Barden's. They sound amazing. Very clean, very high output, and a beautiful frequency range.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Kevzmusic said:
The reason I thought I might get the EMG 81/85 active combo is a) loads of folks seem to like 'em, b) I like a heavy metal 80's tone and c) They are supposed to be very quiet (ie: zero hum)...I simply HATE any amount of hum ;(

BUT, on the other hand, they might not give me the warmth/rich sound I need for my Gilmour clean type floydy stuff....

I think it's a bit of a challenge to get both heavy metal crunch & sweet warm with the same guitar....

Which I'd like to - IF possible...

You'll probably have to make some compromises to get both tones out of one guitar.

On one of my guitars I almost have what you're looking for, I have a Screamin' Demon in the bridge and a SHR-1 in the neck.

While the SHR-1 is toneful and smooth above the 7th fret "in the higher registers", it's real muddy below that and definitely not a heavy chord pickup. But when playing leads it's very thick.

The Screamin' Demon may not be quite heavy enough for you. Although, it does come close to George Lynch's tone. It's a pretty good all around pickup for an 80's type distortion. It with a tube Marshall and Greenbacks really nail the 80's sound.

Several months back I considered getting the EMG 81/85 combo, but I really don't care for either Zakk Wylde's tone nor Metallica's, just my preference. I like the thicker heavier tones as in Mushroomhead and Sevendust. Right now I'm listening to Thrice, although not quite heavy enough.