

New member
Hi everybody!

This is my try to entertain you with my site which is just started. There you can find some piano improvisations (Lo Fi files for easy playing/downloading on slowly connection) played by suggested “pictures”. “Pictures” are word images or titles for pieces or anything you wish me to improvise about. But not existing music themes. I’ll be very happy if someone suggest me some pictures right here at this board and I’ll play and record and post it as soon as possible. The more original your suggestion the more easy it is to improvise.

This is just demo recording (but not performing) – not pro at all – homerecording.

Hope you’ll like it

If MAYBE you'll find any problems with streming music - try www.mp3.com/pianopictures

It's the holidays man ;) Relax, people will be back to listening soon I'm sure, I know my ears are turned off because it's such a stressful season for me....

I'll listen in due time.

Pretty cool Andrei, not what I was expecting.

Some interesting melodies, and great piano playing. My only complaint would be that the songs are really short, almost incomplete ideas. Not all of them, #1 and #4 were my fav's, especially #4.

Would like to hear more of this, only with longer compositions. But hey, long songs short songs, who cares!

Nice work!
Thank you, guys

Sorry, can answer only today. Thank you for boost, dear Emeric.
Michael - I'll be on your page few minutes later ...

I'm saying again: please be so kind to suggest me idea to play(word images, titles, names, from nature, etc, (what about to improvise)) - I'd like it to bee really interactive - it will be posted on my site immediately

Thanks again
images for you

1) When I was little, my grandmother chopped the head off a white chicken right in front of me; she was making it for our dinner. Its head lay there on the ground staring blankly while its beak opened and closed silently. The body ran around for about 40 seconds, with this red stain slowly spreading from the neck down.

2) I used to live a block from the Pacific Ocean. Every morning I would walk down to the end of my block and watch the gray waves roil over the kelp beds. A small beach below the spot at the end of my block always had 3 little sandpiper birds that ran down the sand after each receding wave, pecking wildly at the critters exposed by the waves. The railing along the side of the road had a yellow square sign rotated 45 degrees, that had arrows pointing to the left and the right, which I assume was to keep people from driving straight off my street and into the ocean.

3) On my desk, three lemons are arranged in an isosceles triangle on the cover of a white, orange and blue technical manual. Behind them is a Gram Parsons CD case with a large scratch across Gram's mouth and cheek.
Your Chicken is ready, Charger. Not as good as I'll wish (I'm suddenly felt very ill, I'm not in good piano condition), though your images are excellent, but it's ok as a joke.
Can I just say that you are my hero? Chicken was eerie. Good job.

Lemons was incredible. I'd love to get a more hifi version. You have a lot of talent, thanks.
Thank you so much – it makes me very happy to read such!
I can’t give you Hi Fi versions because they are not actually Hi Fi :) I’ll give you so called “masters” of course,128 kBps mono MP3 files, a little later when I’ll prepare them.

To Michael Jones: sorry I did not answered in time. Nice music and very good recording – I remember that in your previous recordings I tried there was very much noise from seems computer fans – now no. Your studio is great, you lucky. BTW if you or somebody may discuss any piano recording techniques I’ll like it very much. I don’t use any this time – just one NT3 microphone thro Behringer 602, plug-in EQ and too many reverb. Do you use compression? I think using of exciter will do a good job. And It seems we do very same things – is that improvisations as mine or you compose it?

To others: please be so kind to offer me your images. Charger, you always welcome.

Yours Andrei, www.pianopictures.com
I nominate this guy for Bump of the year award. Almost 2 years! Anyway, I'll check it in a bit :)
very nice. I appreciate the tasteful touch and the connection you have made with your instrument. The recording was done well.
Greetings, my former nemesis.

It's a really cool little interlude piece that makes me want to listen again.

I'd love to hear it expanded...and played on your first instrument (piano)...

Thank you, Chris!

I remamber you very good by our political discussions ;-)

What do you think, guys, what is more perspective - electronic improvisations or acoustic piano?
Andrei it is clear that you are one of those people of a natural cosmic talent that is greater than mere mortality and unexplainable by human language...

You have a sensitivity in your playing that illustrates an underlying passion. I have no reason or wish to give you false asssurance or empty congratulations, but I can give you a word from the wise... Do not let this talent drift away. Share your gift.

The four or five short pieces I listened to are far above anything else I have heard recently. The stuff of dreams. Chopin would be proud.

By the way, I can hear a clunk whenever you release/engage your pedal, otherwise the recording is fine......
Dear Roland!

I read your post several times with the most stupid look I can have...

...you can't be serious.

Thank you.

BTW, I'm the most stupid and lazy bastard I know. I must reconsider my life. :rolleyes: