Phase22 problem...


New member
I recently bought the Terratec Phase22 soundcard and I have a problem... Direct monitoring doesn't seem to work... It's stated in the specifications that it's supported, but the "direct monitoring" checkbox is disabled (greyed out) in Cubase...

The soundcard's control panel looks lke this -
What am I doing wrong?

Please help...


I have a Terratec EWS88/MT and the control panel is IDENTICAL except for I have 8 channels rather than 2. I was told that direct monitoring is not possible by Terratec tech support, however, I am able to. I am not home right now, but when I get home this evening, I will do some screenshots of my settings and post them for you.
thajeremy said:
I have a Terratec EWS88/MT and the control panel is IDENTICAL except for I have 8 channels rather than 2. I was told that direct monitoring is not possible by Terratec tech support, however, I am able to. I am not home right now, but when I get home this evening, I will do some screenshots of my settings and post them for you.

I tried contacting their tech support but they just ignored me... I got no response whatsoever... :(
I can do that, but than I don't hear anything but the line in signal, I mean, I don't hear the "wave" sound from the PC. So, it's pretty useless for multitrack recording... :(
No... Every option I have can be seen on the screenshoot I posted... The thing that bothers me is the "direct monitoring" checkbox which is disabled in Cubase and it shouldn't be... Because the driver's software is really simple, it just seems that direct monitoring isn't possible but it should be...
Terratec sucks.
I have been pleased with my terratec I said, their Tech support told me that direct monitoring was not possible with my card....they were wrong because I do it all the time....have you thought about monitoring from a mixer?
Yeah but my card is supposed to support it, it says so in the FAQ... And the thing that pisses me off the most is that Terratec tech support is ignoring me... I have a legit question about one of their products and because they don't have an easy answer they ignore me. Stupid and unprofessional.

I thought about a mixer but I think I'm going to return the soundcard... I don't want to spend another 100 $ because of a faulty soundacard... I mean, even the old SB Live! supports direct monitoring as it's just a software issue...

But then again, stupid me for not trying before buying... :)
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