Phase/Space issues?


New member
I have been recording my guitar tracks through a vamp2 through a maudio delta 1010 and into cubase. i do 2 tracks for a guitar part, and pan them hard left/right. The problem is...

When i solo the guitar on the right, and look at a phase graph, it shows that the track is full to the right, and no anti-phase. However, when i add in the left guitar the track suddenly jumps to the middle-ish, and has alot of anti-phase.

The same goes if i do it with the left side and then add the right side in.

I use the same tone for the guitar on the left and the right, and same eq'ing... could that be the problem? I dont really understand!
are these guitar parts that were recorded at two different times?

have you zoomed in and looked to see if the wave form looks like it's phasing? you could try nudging one of the guitar tracks so it's not or fliping the phase on one track.
you could also try doing the opposite EQ technique on of the guitar tracks. Cut one part of the freq. range while boosting the other one's.
The other thing that's happening is the way stereo works. Where a track appears in L-R space in a stereo mix is determined by it's relative volume in each ear. The pan knob adjusts the volume of a track in both ears. When you hear a sound in the center, it is in both your ears at the same volume.

An off-center track isn't really moved in space. It still appears in both ears, but at different volumes. Very simply, when you pan something left, the sound gets louder in your left ear, and quieter in your right ear. Your brain interprets this as the sound moving left. The same when you pan right. Only when a track is hard-panned does it appear in one side only.

This brings us to your situation- two identical or very similar tracks hard-panned left and right. Your brain interprets these as coming from the center, as they appear in both ears at the same volume. Messing with the levels will shift the sound from one side to the other, and if the tracks aren't identical, you'll get the phasing etc.