Phase problems during mixing?


New member
I don't know if this is a phase problem, but in all my songs it seems as if the right speaker in parts where there might just be soft guitar and bass or something soft where you can hear everything, there is a whooshing wave in and out type sound... Like a hiss waving in and out pretty fast.

Now this seems to happen the most when bass comes in with guitar...

I don't know much about phase, but i thought that only happened when you had the same sound being picked up in different ways... This is not the same sound at all.

But i do pretty much only notice it with Bass, and the bass is mono, no effects or anything. Any ideas? or need more explination?
Give a quick mix output track instrument list and pannings if you can. Mics and distances from their sound sources would be next but it sounds like maybe too many guitar tracks to me.