Peter Frampton Cover - Brazilian Band


New member
Hi friends,

Last sunday we recorded the song "Breaking All The Rules" live in São Paulo, Brazil, and I'd like to ask for some critique from you guys.

I play the drums and do the recording-mixing, but I'm not so experienced in this.

Too much reverb? What frequencies should I tame/boost? Are the vocals too low? What about the guitar?


I had some time yesterday and cleaned up the mix a little. There was a lot of bleeding from the tom mics, through a gate that was not working well. I exchanged it for manual trims. Cut off the backing vocal mics that were also bleeding - although there were no backing vocal parts in this song. :wtf: So it was quite messed-up. Put in some compression in the drums, but maybe some other channels also need some, such as the guitar. I guess it sounds a little better now.

All opinions are welcome. Thanks.