Personal Demo - Looking for feedback

Not my style, but you seem to have created something typical of the genre and it's (to my ears) not carrying any warning labels. The only comment is that there's some strange compression artefacts making the background pump a bit sometimes - one is quite exposed at 2:20 when it happens in a less busy spot? Not sure if you meant it, but it's a bit vooofy (can't think of a proper word). The other thing is the snare that plays through, it seems to be a very fixed velocity/volume - no emphasis on first beat in the bar, or other rhythm trick? just bangs away non-stop?

It's sort of catchy, even for somebody way away from EDM type music.
A bit of an abrupt start.

I'm hearing the pumping too.

The mix as a whole is very compressed/limited - a bit too much even for this genre.

The song itself is cool. The instruments sound pretty good. Good balance of everything.