Performing live

I know some places you can just give the sound guy a CD or Ipod playlist with your songs on it and he will play them through the PA.
You just have to rap on top of your tracks. (If that is what you were thinking)
I know some places you can just give the sound guy a CD or Ipod playlist with your songs on it and he will play them through the PA.
You just have to rap on top of your tracks. (If that is what you were thinking)

yes that is what im talking about. where are some places that do that?
I don't know what the local venues are like where you are. But I do know in Omaha there are alot of venues or bars that will do that you just have to provide the sound guy with your music, (if its a CD I would bring a portable CD player) and maybe a short and easy to read paper with instructions to your set.
Or some places might even let you get away with bringing a friend to run the Ipod or CD player for you.
That's the easiest way i can think of.
Just make sure that the place plays live music. Also make sure your Ipod or CD player either stops in between songs or train your friend to pause the songs at the end of a song to give you time to talk if you want.
If you're just rapping along with backing tracks, that's really easy to set up.

Get an iPod and a 1/8" to 1/4" adapter. Then plug that into one of the many DI boxes that any live music venue has. Then start or stop the songs as you perform them.

Alternatively, pass your iPod off to a guy with a keyboard and pretend to do it live.