Pentatonic phrasing - Jimi Hendrix

What's interesting to me is when I hear guitar players criticizing others for using the pentatonic scale for leads when one of the greatest of all time used it a LOT.
Thanks for posting that article. I've listened to Hendrix for so long that I don't even think about if he's playing Pentatonic, or whatever. I just hear the song.
The A notes connected to the B note and the B notes connected the C note and the C notes connected to the D note and they all
go round and round.
Or, doe, a deer, a female deer..
Is it a major pentatonic or a minor pentitonic?
I've listened to Hendrix for so long that I don't even think about if he's playing Pentatonic, or whatever. I just hear the song.
Same here. I actually do find musicologists quite interesting in their presuppositions and knowledge but it rarely adds to my enjoyment of a song. When I'm formulating a song, I haven't got a clue about what is and isn't pentatonic, let alone any solos. I literally just play what sounds good to my ear within the confines of the music. I wouldn't know pentatonic from pentagram from pent-up frustration !