Pendullum Woman Mix #9

What equipment did you record this with? The performance sounds fine, but honestly, it sounds like it was recorded through the built in mic on a laptop. It sounds muffled and distant. Tell us how you recorded this and it would help a lot.
Agreed - there's some processing on this - but I think it mainly affects the vocals and rhythm guitars and I think it's meant to be there. Details on that would be much appreciated :D

The bass is solid and the lead sounds pretty "normal".

The thing I noticed was the mix seemed to be panned heavily to the left side. Maybe I'm losing my hearing in the right side lol....

Performance is solid, catchy tune, well written... Lead guitar is <smokin'> :cool:

aw crap, that's not what i wanted to hear. LOL. i wonder if the mp3 converter in Sonar is crap? Vocals are recorded with Shure KSM44, guitars were recorded from Marshall Amp and head on the rythym tracks, and the Lead was a boogie head marshall cabinets with Senheiser e609 silver faced mics. Bass was direct our of Fender BXR100 amp. Drums were beta 52 on the lick, and two Octava mc012's overhead. All were run through Mackie Onyx 1640 mixer into MOTU 828mkII into HP computer and Sonar 8 Producer. the drummer said it sounder all distorted as well when he listened to it on Nowhere Radio. the mp3 was taken directl;y from Sonar at 192 samples rate. there is a small amount of compression on the bass drum, and bass guitar, vocal reverb from Lexicon Pantheon and and there was some Ozone 4 on the master buss. I did play with some of the delays to make it wider, i wonder if that is what did it. it sounded goo to me listening to it on my monitors and through the pa speakers. i bet that is it....HMMMM. thanks for the comments. i think i'll undo a little of the processing and then put it back up and see if it is better.
Good tune. I think the hats/cymbals are too forward and the vocals not enough. The guitar seems to get out of whack with the groove occasionally the e.g. @ about 1.05. Vocals are good. You could probably use more compression on the tracks to even up the dynamics. It sounds raw but the kernel is good
thanks for the listen. i did go back and adjust the compression a little bit. toned down the high hats and brought the vocals up a little bit. I think we are going to redo the guitar solo, the bass track, and possibly the drums as well. thanks for the advice!!
