peavey tnt 100


New member
I just picked up this peavey tnt 100 to practice/maybe play a show or two with...I played it in the shop and it sounded okay to me, I turned it up pretty loud and it was good enough...but when I got it home and turned it ALL the way up I realized that's it's actually quite quiet.

as a matter of fact I might go as far as to say my fender frontman 25r could make more noise!

but the signal doesn't sound weird or anything so I don't think the speaker is says 150watts on the back, and it's certainly big/heavy there something else that could be wrong with it? or is it just a quiet amp that's meant to be cranked up ALL the way all the time?
i use a tnt as guitar amp. it's a clean solid state bass amp and i have to turn it all the way up also to get a descent volume out of it. still like it though.
Don't know what a TNT is, but don't confuse the power CONSUMPTION rating on the sticker or plate on the back (usually close to the power cord) with the speaker output power rating (usually by the speaker output jack). For example My Hot Rod Deville is rated at 60 watts speaker output, and is rated at 180 watts power consumption, meaning that it will use up to 180 watts worth of 110 volts from the wall outlet to produce that speaker output.
I made a quick check, a couple reviewers said it was rated at 45 watts rms, which isn't a whole lot for bass, if you are using it for guitar, you might need to slam the input a little harder with something that will pre-amp the signal a little to get it closer to its rated output.
Other than that, there could be something wrong with it, although from your description of the sound quality, it would appear that most likely there is not. Since it is used, it is also possible that someone might have modded the input (like with a different value resistor at the input jack) for some reason - maybe they were using an active electronic bass or some device that was too powerful for it, so modded the amp to compensate.
I don't know, I bought one new in the '70's trying to lighten my load out but I hated it. Never could get a decent tone out of it. As I played with the knobs it went from crappy to crappier.