Peavey tmp 1 tube pre upgrade


New member
Sorry if this post is in the wrong area wasnt sure where to post it. Anyway I recently aquired a Peavey tmp1 pre and I am curious if anyone has any experience with overhauling this unit. My obvious concerns are the tubes. Any one know what i can swap them with and will there be an audible diffrence? I am using this with a blueberry mic. Thanks in advance
It does have a 12AX7A vacuum tube circuitry so it will be easy to find a replacement for it check out he'll set you up. Now if you'll get better quality recordings? Hard to say if it's going to be noticeable.
Thanks Moresound, I have contacted the above mentioned person at the email provided.....Wow did he answer back quick....and knowledgable too. Definetly gonna upgrade the tubes......thanks again for the help.