Peaking at low decibals in Cubase/Nuendo


New member
Hello folks,

I am running an Echo Layla based setup using an external board, and Cubase SX as well as Nuendo. After making sure the levels are right on the board, when I am recording in Cubase or Nuendo, the levels (decibal wise) are soooo small. Visually it's like a midget wave form in all blue. I checked the layla mixer, and the levels seem right on visually. Is there some value I need to customize in Cubase/Nuendo or the Layla setup so that I get the right recording levels? It seems as though there's some sort of built in compressor/limiter type thing working here...

any ideas?

"Correct" is a relative term.
Nuendo/cubase has no trim function, so that the incoming signal level MUST be adjusted at the input device.
My sound card is a c-port. When I set the levels according to the c-port's proprietary software mixer, the levels in nuendo are fine for me.
If I understand you, you are saying that when you adjust the levels OK with the software mixer that came with your sound card, the input levels are still too low in SX or nuendo.
Just for a giggle, deliberately clip the software mixer and record a short bit of sound. Does the recorded sound distort on playback?
If not, fine. Just set the levels untill the levels in the recording software are where you want them to be. If the sound does distort, then it looks like you do have some kind of software issue, likely with your soundcard's mixer.
These are just ideas and may be off the mark. Good luck