peace, anyone looking to get something mixed..

usely..if you doing a service you would post a before and after to show your work..
P. Rene said:
yeah me n trakz work side by side. you can peep his stuff

i mixed the someone special track and Everyday which is just the basic stuff.
I've said this before, but I'll repeat myself for your sake.

MySpace is one of the WORST places to showcase the quality of your work. Why? Because the flash player (like radio) runs your files through a Limiter/Normalizer pluggin so all the songs in your player have similar volume levels. It squashes the dynamics out of your mix. Unfortunately, it's one of the easiest ways to showcase your music as well. Being free and all... I recommend getting your own webspace, and uploading your own MP3's into a flash player to showcase them, and so they can't be stolen. Feel me?

Also, do you have any clients other than your brother?

Here's a brief list of some of my clients from the last couple of months.

Sharlok Poems
Othello of Lightheaded
Reconcile of Mass Reality A.K.A. Big Rec
The KnowNauts
Angel El Instrumento
Legion of Subpar Emcees
Name Basic
Hard Target
Sivion of DeepSpace5
Fred B. of DeepSpace5
Shaw Bihl

Now a lot of those people are using MySpace sites... but I have all the work I did for them, and I can use it to showcase my work if and when I need to. Feel me?
well im outa dade county (Miami Fl). and those songs are in better mp3 at far as wav files their too big to post online and i dont have an ftp server. About prices i charge a flat fee of 35$ bucks a track, that way i grow with customers, and continue in the growth of this skill.

my list is pretty long but i'll give you whom ive done work for.

The majors are thanks too Chopper aka iceboi R.I.P.

House of Fire - Mixing
Dipset ( the whole camp) Mixing n radio
Beenie Man-radio
Kanye West- radio
Ghostwridah- Mixing
Rick Ross - Mixing
Iconz - Mixing
Uncle Luke- Mixing


Suicide - Mixing n Radio
Trakz _ Mixing n Radio
M.A.R.S. (deal bounded wit 8ball n mjg congrats) Mixing - Radio
Fighting Faderz (rock group) Mixing
and so so so much more to name.....

Just a starting point and trying to branch outside of my city thats it, tracking celebs doesnt make me the "shit" but it was a fun experience for me.

Edit: I have backup since 1997 on old school 2gb hd's, reel to reels, and a closet swamped of dats and adats.
Well Damn Duke!

Impressive resume.......
I got a homie who worked with Kanye West on one of Jamie Foxx's tracks in Boston. Well, he's out of Boston anyway!

Nice list though!
What's your setup?
P. Rene said:
House of Fire - Mixing
Dipset ( the whole camp) Mixing n radio
Beenie Man-radio
Kanye West- radio
Ghostwridah- Mixing
Rick Ross - Mixing
Iconz - Mixing
Uncle Luke- Mixing


Suicide - Mixing n Radio
Trakz _ Mixing n Radio
M.A.R.S. (deal bounded wit 8ball n mjg congrats) Mixing - Radio
Fighting Faderz (rock group) Mixing
and so so so much more to name.....

So what have you Mixed for these dudes? You getting album credits? What do you mean by "radio"...?


Another question... why so cheap? $35 a track?... That's a disservice to the engineering community,
PT HD 192K / RME 9652 HDSP

The rest is standard stuff, just routing and patching. Alot of my work was due to radio jingles and production and it sorta leveled itself. Well I take it as this, alot of cats now adays dont have the tone of someone bringing me a track in high quality recording, and majority is either two tracked or sampled out material where most of the sounds used are pre-processed.

Most cats wanna have access to analog capabilities but the price of these things are mad expensive, and im not money hungry at all. Im satisfied, good customer ship and when 35 a track adds up it really adds up. In a major studio I charge 65 hourly plus studio time on top. My resume is quite extensive because i worked for free meaning I wanted to get hands on experience with real engineers who not only mixed hiphop, but full rock, acoustical music, and small symphonies.

My prices are also low because, i can work in the comfort of my own domain where I can spend time with whom evers material. I earned my stars and still earning to get my stripes and word of mouth is the best buzz that anyone can ever have. But i'll say, some one gimme a session nothing huge and ill do that one on the house and if your satisfied then great if not ill just work better to make sure the next client behind is satisfied 1.