pay to get songs mixed or mastered?


New member
I have 3 songs almost recorded for my alternative quasi hardcore band (total time around 17-18 min, and about 12 tracks a song). I don't have a "real" set of monitors, but I am still semi-comfortable with mixing my music. I was wondering what you all think is more important. Sending the songs to get mixed at a local studio and not mastering the stuff, or mixing the songs myself and then sending them to get mastered. I don't have enough money for both, but I want the best sound quality possible.

Since the songs were recorded all live (bleed into every mic from other instruments) I figured I would mix it, since it is too late to single out any one problem, and then send it too get mastered so it would be more friendly to every play-back system it came across. Thanks for any input

A good mix doesn't need a lot of mastering help and a crappy mix is going to suck almost no matter what.

If you could only afford one I would have it mixed and have them strap some limiting or compression across the 2 buss. Mixing is usually more expensive than mastering so are you sure you have the budget?
Well I've looked around at local little studios (mostly just guys with protools rigs) and it doesnt seem THAT bad.

Would anyone on the board like a small side project? All the files start at 00:00 so they shouldn't be hard to put into any program. Someone with a nice home set-up is fine with me as long as it will be worth the money spent.
Yeah, I hate to agree (?) but if you can only do one, make sure you get quality mixing.

(A) Mastering something that sounds crappy normally only results in slightly-less-crappy at best.

(B) You can always have mastering performed later.

That being said, you should do some mixing on your own even if you're not going to use it in the end. It's good practice. It can also be helpful to the mixing engineer if you give him something that's "pretty close" for him to hear.

John Scrip -
And I'm sure that the fact that the sites "you found" are all on the same server and have the same WHOIS info means that you have absolutely no connection to this website, right...?

If you want to push your site in your sig or something, go for it. But don't try to pass it off as if you're a happy customer when it's something you're affiliated with in the first place (that's called "spamming" and it's not welcome here).


Holy crap -- Resurrecting threads from *2004* to add a little spam-like flavor? As if there isn't anything more recent here?
finding something a little more recent would require thinking. hey BLUEBEAR, where are you buddy!!!
I'm actually working on a project for him right at this very moment.

And now that the spam is gone, it looks like you resurrected a 7 yr old thread.... :(

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