Paul McCartney/Wings Cover


New member
Hey all, just another cover recording. This one is of the Paul McCartney/Wings tune "Another Day".

Feel free to share any criticisms on the recording, mixing, playing, singing... anything really. I'm always looking for feedback. Thanks!
Good ... I really like the original. Is this just you doing all of the pieces?
I would start by learning microphone technique on your vocals and a tad bit of compression wouldn't hurt on the vocal track either.
Aw, I was hoping this would be "silly love song".

Moresound, what do you mean by mic technique? I'm just curious.

Some volume automation and compression on the vocals would help a ton. Basically work on the vocals. EQ, compress, volume, reverb...they're super dry. That would make this song a ton better.

The accordian thing sounds cool.

Bass is great IMO.

Acoustic is well done, maybe a touch too far back in the mix.

Overall nice, and has lots of potential.
Microphone technique for one is pulling away from the microphone during loud passages, up close during soft. It's an art really that has to be worked on just as one would practice their instrument to get better - using a microphone is the same.